Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Week Home!

Allison and Sam with Addison.

Addison's first sponge bath at home.

Gramps with his granddaughter

Riley and Russeau checking out Addison on the bobby lounger.

Me holding my daughter.

Aunt Julie with Addison

4 generations... Great Great Aunt Joan, Addison, me, and mom

Uncle Adam with his niece!

Great Great Uncle Joe with Addison

Great Great Aunt Joan with her great great niece!

Grandma and Grandpa with their granddaughter!

Grandma holding Addison... she loves to put her arms under her head and this was the first time that she did it. She sleeps just like mama... on her belly with her arms under her head!

Grammie with Addison.

Addison on daddy's chest.

Aunt Lisa with Addison

with daddy again.

with grandma in the hospital only a few hours old.

her first bath in the hospital. only a few hours old.

only a few minutes old. She is on mama's chest. we finally got to see her face!

Jeremy and me before delivery. can you believe that we are both smiling!! Anxiously waiting for the arrival of our daughter!

Dr. Lyons, Addison and me after delivery.

Great Uncle Mitch, Lorissa, and Addison.

Me with Addison after her bath and tests in the hospital.

Adam with his son, Harrison, Jeremy with his daughter, Addison.... cousins only 46 hours apart!

Emo and Addison in the hospital.

Gramps with Addison only a few hours old.

Aunt Jill, Kari and Addison at the hospital.

Grammie holding Addison for the first time. The first person to hold her besides the nurses, Jeremy and me.
Grandpa holding Addison for the first time.

Margie with Addison... our first visitor in the hospital.

So after delivery, Addison went to the nursery for her tests and to get a bath. She passed her hearing test! I was in my room and trying to rest alittle while all the tests were going on and my mom told me that Jeremy didn't take his eyes off of his daughter while the tests were being done. He also managed to take about 200 pictures so mama could know what was going on. Jeremy's dad also did the videotaping for us, but I haven't watched that yet and look forward to watching that! So after all the tests she returned to the room with mama and grammie (my mom) was the first person to hold her and then Grandma (Jeremy's mom) then Gramps (my dad) and Grandpa (Jeremy's dad). She is loved so much already. I also received a delivery of flowers from my parents. They were my favorite, carnations, with roses.... all pink!!!

Later that evening, Margie, our neighbor and friend who is taking care of our dogs while we are in the hospital, stopped by and was her first visitor! Margie has been so wonderful and always checking in on me during the pregnancy and also just helping us out so much with the dogs! we are lucky to have great neighbors!
Her next set of visitors were Emo (my godmother) and Uncle Charlie! they brought us flowers and outfits and stuffed animal for her along with an Asian doll for when she gets older to play with! Right now it will go in her toy chest, which was mine when I was a baby.

It was time for bedtime and Addison did so great for her first night. She slept a few hours straight but I kept getting up in the middle of the night and checking in on her, every little sound she made, I was awake! So even though she slept, mama didn't. A funny story with daddy. She made her first poopie with us and Jeremy was out cold on the bed in the room. I had to get him up.... he had no idea what was going on. He was so sleep deprived. I said honey I need a warm wash cloth. He couldn't put together that it was a diaper change. It took him a few minutes, but then he finally woke up and we changed her for the first time. Daddy slept good that night, snoring loudly!
April 21st- we started the morning off with her being checked by our pediatrician and her heart and lungs sounded great! My prayers were answered. We had a healthy baby girl! She didn't like being checked though and screamed. Our Dr. is so great. He is so nurturing and caring and just wonderful with her.

After the doctors came to check me and her, daddy went home and cleaned house and then he had to run into work because he had a report to get out before a huge meeting on the 30th at work. This would be the first time that Addison and I were alone and we did great. I just held her the whole time. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. We had Jeremy's parents stop in as they have been at the hospital since Thursday and now it was Tuesday. They were in the emergency room for Elizabeth, all is ok, thank goodness!

Later in the day my mom came over and sat with us while Jeremy was at work. He came back to the hospital in between the cleaning the house and then going to work so he didn't have to go in the rest of the week. While my mom was there we had more visitors... we had Sharon from work, Sam and Allison, Aunt Jill and Kari, Mitch and Lorissa. It was funny when Sam and Allison showed up because Sam knocked on the door and I was nursing Addison and said give me a second as we were finishing up. He wanted to double check and make sure I was "decent" before he entered the room. It was pretty funny! We also had about 5 phone calls a day from Aunt Joan checking in on us. She was so sweet to call. We also received phone calls from Aunt Kathy, Aunt Kellie, and Debbie at the hospital. We also received tons of text messages from my friends!

Addison got her Hepatitis B shot today. She was a trooper!

Later that night Andrea stopped by with flowers and spent alot of time with us in the hospital. She was so excited that Addison was a girl and can't wait to do girl's day with her and take her to the spa and do shopping trips with her! Jeremy has already thought about this fund along with her wedding fund and college fund!

So while I was in the hospital, I became addicted to graham crackers and apple juice. I can't get enough in me. I have been feeling great and its amazing to me that I am able to walk and move around and pretty much painless and I just had a baby. It is just incredible to me.

So tonight Addison was a little fussy and I was up all day and we decided to send her to the nursery for about 2 hours.... we just needed some sleep and I knew with us going home tomorrow that we wouldn't have the luxury of the nurses. So from 1:30-3:30 in the morning she was in the nursery. I woke up at 3:30 and called the nurse and said "I would like my daughter please". They brought her to me and I just felt horrible for sending her to the nursery, but I was so exhausted and so was Jeremy that we just needed those few hours of sleep. Addison did good for the most part and slept ok for the rest of the night, but still a little fussy.

April 22nd- We woke up and had the doctors check her and me. Dr. Hall checked Addison and she was doing good. She has a slight case of jaundice, but nothing to be concerned about. He told us what to watch for and we would. Today we had Kelli and Jenny stop by and visit us. We had our photo shoot early this morning and she did so good. She is going to love the camera. It helps when daddy has already taken about 500 pictures and she isn't even 2 days old yet! While Kelli and Jenny where there Grandpa showed up for a visit. He got to see the slide show of his granddaughter and pick out the photo that they wanted! He did so good!!

Jeremy and I had to wait for Addison to turn 48 hours before we could leave (well we could leave but would have to bring her back so we just waited). She had to get mandatory blood drawn once she was 48 hours old. We also had to watch 2 videos, one on car seats and the other the care of your infant before we could leave as well. We thought we were going to leave around 2-3ish, but that wasn't the case. I was nursing her, daddy was loading up the car, watching the videos, signing the discharge papers, etc. So we had dinner in the hospital and it was my best meal there (beef and noodles). We finally got to the car around 6:00 with her and it was time for her first car ride.

She at first doesn't like the car seat, but once you get her moving then she is fine. We get her in the car and daddy is driving us home and I have the video camera in my hands the whole time. She slept the whole way home and let me tell you South Bend needs to improve their roads because they were so bumpy on her little head. Daddy did so great driving home.

When we got home Jeremy went in first to let the dogs out and let him know we were home. He came back to the car for me to go in alone with a blanket of Addison's. Riley and Russeau just sniffed away, Bob wanted really nothing to do with the blanket but was all over me. After a few minutes, Jeremy brought Addison in her car seat and we put it on the floor and they just sniffed her. Bob did for about 2 seconds and didn't know what to do.... Riley and Russeau were very curious. Addison didn't even cry or anything with Bob barking or the twins sniffing her. It was a great success.

We walked her around the house and then introduce her to her nursery. We did a diaper change and then it was off to some relaxation for the night. Jeremy and I just held her on the couch and this helped with the dogs too as they would come up and see her and check her out.

Her first night of sleep at home went really good. We put her in her crib, I slept in the guest room for 3 reasons ( the bed is lower for me- easier on my back and you know what area to not stretch so much, its right next to her nursery, plus daddy had to make an 8:00 meeting at work so we wanted to make sure that he got some sleep. All in all she slept in 2-3 hour increments and did so good!

While daddy was at work he got a few phone calls, not work related, but Addison related from some of the trustees!!! Go Addison she is already an important little one! This was truly special for her to receive this special attention.

Thursday- Russeau was the guard dog for me while Addison slept and he was letting me know any peep that she made he was sure to bark a little. He is a little watch dog and so greatful for that. We usually have the dogs in their homes at night, but lately we are letting them roam free at night. for the most part, they still sleep in their homes with the door open, however, Russeau is right outside her nursery door.
Aunt Lisa came to visit us today and Addison was so happy in Aunt Lisa's arm.

Today the grandparents came over and Grandpa (Jeremy's dad) had a little surprise for her. He wrote her a poem... it is just priceless.
Our April Joy

Let me tell you about our April joy,
One is a girl and the other a boy.
Given to us by our sons and their wives,
Two little miracles came into our lives.
They arrived to us just two days apart,
They will always be loved from our hearts.
Excited to watch them learn and grow,
We will help teach them things they must know.
Grandma and Grandpa will be our names,
To help feed, change diapers, and oh yeah play games.
So let me tell you about our April Joy,
One is a girl and the other a boy.

Addison slept really good her second night home! I love the way she smiles (even though she probably has no idea she is smiling), when she puckers her lips and makes the "Austin Powers" look, according to daddy she has the old lady lips look at times and also the popeye look- one eye open. She sleeps so soundly and is just so perfect!

I will have to admit that Addison has no problem going to the bathroom... she has more poopie diapers then she does wet ones. The first time she "went" when Jeremy was holding her he about lost it laughing because it was so loud. It was pretty funny.

So I finally weighed myself and I lost 12 pounds in the hospital... only 17 more to go and I will be at my pre-pregnancy weight, but I would like to lose an additional 10-15 pounds, I was at my heaviest when I got prego with her so I want to get back to my "normal" size 6... that is my goal while I am on maternity leave with her. I will settle for an 8 though!

April 24th- Friday- Today we Aunt Julie stopped by to see her niece! She said that she looks alot like my dad. Which we get that she looks like both grandpa's alot. Addison had a rough night last night as she was up alot during the night and I found myself holding her the whole night. She didn't want to be on her back at all. We made it though.

Daddy has been doing alot of shopping for mommy. I've been addicted to apple juice and graham crackers and I've already gone through a gallon and a half of apple juice already.
April 25th- Saturday- Jeremy and I both got lots of rest last night because Addison was just sleeping away that I woke her up twice in the middle of the night to feed her. We started the day with daddy getting up so mama could take a shower since we knew visitors were coming early today. Once mama was ready by 8 in the morning, daddy got ready and went to the barber because he has some very important meetings this week at work. He also went to the store for mama and has been wonderful about doing all the running around when mama forgets to put something on the list. Can I just say I can't get enough summer sausage, graham crackers and apple juice in me. It seems to be all I am eating and wanting to eat at the moment.
Our visitors started with Grammie coming over with groceries and lunch for us. Then Gramps came by with Uncle Charlie and dropped my dad off from their Saturday routine with spending time with Grandpa Totten for breakfast. Then Grandma and Grandpa (Jeremy's parents) showed up to spend time with their granddaughter. We also had Aunt Joan and Uncle Joe join in her celebration. They are her GREAT GREAT Aunt and Uncle. She was hungry right when they showed up so I had to take Addison to the nursery for a feeding, but then she was good to go. She loves to be held and likes to be held against the chest and she puts her arms under her head. She sleeps just like mama, an arm under her head! Uncle Adam (Jeremy's bro) stopped by and he held his niece for the first time. She is about 2 pounds lighter than Harrison so she was so lite to him. We can't wait to get Harrison and Addison together for some more pics!

Addison slept good for the most part, but she only wanted to nurse on 1 side because she kept falling back to sleep so mama had to get up a little more in the middle of the night to feed, but its all worth it. She has been loving her swing and mama can get some stuff done around the house. I know that I should be napping and try to, but I take the time to update the blog and post pics because I just can't wait to do it!

Sunday- my parents brought lunch over for us which is great because Jeremy made grilled cheese last night for dinner... something easy and quick for us. I haven't had a grilled cheese in years and he did a great job of making it! We also had a visit from Grandma. She just had to get her fix in!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


April 14th- We started off our week by attending Grammie's Teacher of the Year banquet. It was hosted at Century Center and my mom was up against 33 other teachers for the teacher of the year. She came in the top 10 and received a grant and was a Special Honor Teacher! GO MOM!!!

After the banquet, we went to dinner at Yesterday's and just had a great dinner with my parents. They have fed us 4 days in a row now. We had Portofino's on Saturday, Easter dinner and leftovers on Sunday and Monday and then a big dinner on Tuesday too. We are very lucky! I am not complaining with this pregnancy at all! However this isn't out of the norm with my parents, as we always do dinner with them alot and its very special!

April 15th- today would be ironic if the little one is born, but mama isn't feeling any contractions yet. The little one was very good to me as my goal was to make it to today at work with all the deadlines and everything and WE DID!!! After I finished all my deadlines, we had a tax party like usual and I went. I was only planning on going for an hour or so, but I was feeling great so I stayed the whole time, 4-8. It was great to see everyone from my old department and then also introduce them to the new department that I have been working in for almost 2 years now. The belly received lots of touches from Steve, Joel, Tim, Jenny, Tammy, Sarah, Lisa, Kelli, etc. I think the funniest two stories of the night was when Sam danced with the belly and then Joel was obsessed with the belly button and kept wanting to touch it. I said its a little sensitive and he did so good. Our little one has so much love already and he/she isn't even here yet! Also, Ben compared his stomach to mine and I totally beat him out. It was funny!

Thursday April 16th- well I can honestly say that this was the first time I have worked on April 16th! (The party was different when you can't drink, but I am not complaining one bit)

So we had our doctor's appointment today and no dilation. I have gained 29 pounds total and blood pressure was 104/68. I am starting to swell in my ankles. I am continuing to feel great and I don't have alot of back pain. I do enjoy the foot and leg rub though! I am still sleeping good through the night and haven't been uncomfortable. I am very lucky so far!

Tonight we found out that Elizabeth and Adam would start the inducement process for Harrison and we should have the arrival of our nephew sometime this weekend!

Friday April 17th- Today would be my last day of work as I have a fear of my water breaking at work and since I am getting close to my due date that why over due anything. I know that our little one can have a few more weeks yet, but I just want to be in the comfort of my own home. Everyone at work was so nice and coming up to me and I went around and said my goodbyes letting them know I would bring the little one in once he/she has arrived.

Since Jeremy and I worked today and Elizabeth was still in the hospital and the process was going slow for her and Adam we didn't go and visit them. We are thinking of them and hopefully Harrison will arrive soon for mommy and daddy!

Saturday April 18th- Jeremy and I went up to the hospital first thing in the morning after receiving a few phone calls with updates. We took donuts, OJ and some milk up to the birthing suite as we figured they could use a little treat! Elizabeth looked great for being in the hospital so long and going through a long delivery process. Still no Harrison at 8:00 in the morning. We let them go as they needed their rest and the doc was coming in to do some checks. We knew that Harrison would definitely arrive today as they were talking C-Section. Jeremy and I said that we would be back later to meet our nephew!

We went shopping at Babies R Us to get our breast pump since I had a 15% off coupon. I also had a price adjustment to do on the rocker that we had purchased 2 weeks ago since we got the glider and ottoman combo we would save $100 so it was worth going and asking about the price adjustment and they did it for us! Bonus for Jeremy and me!!! Jeremy was super happy about this! We then did some running around and kept checking in on the status of our nephew. When we got home from shopping, our neighbor, Tom was vacuuming his truck out and I was like I need to clean my Jeep out so I asked him if I could borrow his shop vac so Jeremy didn't have to lug the vacuum cleaner outside. Tom was so sweet he brought it over for me to use as Jeremy decided to mow the yard and do other yard work things. As I was cleaning out my car, our neighbors that live behind us (Greg and Mary Lou) stopped by and asked about the due date and said that if we need anything they are just a phone call away. Our neighbors Dan, Jen, Shannon, and Neil all were curious too of the due date as they knew it was getting close. We are very lucky to have wonderful neighbors!

We got the phone call around 2:45 at home that our nephew, Harrison Dean had arrived and mama, daddy, and Harrison were doing great. Elizabeth didn't have to have a C-Section so it was perfect. Harrison was 8 pounds 12 ounces! If we go back to week 31 in the blog you will see that from our childbirth classes that I said Adam and Elizabeth would have a big boy and I was right, but I think everyone guessed this too because big babies run in Elizabeth's family! I was just so thankful that he was healthy and everyone was doing good. Jeremy and I made it up to the hospital around 5:00ish as we knew it would take sometime in the birthing suite to get over to the regular room. When we arrived, Harrison was in the nursery getting his bath, measurements, and tests done. We were all guessing on how long he was going to be because he looked so long. Grandma (Adam and Jeremy's mom) guessed 22inches, Grandpa (Jeremy and Adam's dad) guessed 23 inches, I guessed 21.5, Adam I think guessed 22 I can't remember and Uncle Jeremy guessed 20 3/4 and he was right. We should have played the lottery that night!

They brought Harrison back to the room and I was so excited to hold him and Elizabeth was so good about everything. She was doing great and looked wonderful. It was so amazing to me how well she was doing for going through a long delivery. We are just so excited to spoil our nephew with lots and lots of love!!! Jeremy and I are finally an uncle and aunt.... how exciting!!!

So when we got home from the hospital and since I cleaned the car, I decided to do some laundry. I was in a cleaning mood (nesting). However not with the rest of the house like putting the laundry away and cleaning the bedroom or dusting. I decided I had enough and went to bed around 9:30. Jeremy was still watching TV. I woke up around 11:48 as Jeremy was coming to bed as I was having some cramping in my stomach. I was like is this a contraction? I had no idea what to expect since I hadn't been uncomfortable, I was sleeping good and didn't have back pain... all signs that you are going into labor. Well I starting to time these crampings and they were 6 minutes apart. I started to get a little nervous and scared and called my mom to ask her if I was having contractions. She thought I was just so excited from the announcement of Harrison and just getting ready for my baby that I could be having or not having contractions. She was like it's been 30 years since I have had contractions! She said if it continues to just call the doctor. Jeremy was helping me time my contractions and they decreased to 5 minutes and then to 4 minutes apart. We called the doctor around 2:30ish (I think) and she said that this is just normal, but if I wanted to go to the hospital I could go. I decided to go and we arrived around 3:30 in the morning. The doctor on call checked me and no dilation whatsoever. I was like what was I going through every 4-6 minutes. He said that this is normal and just my body getting ready and going into "pre-labor". They hooked me up to a monitor and monitored the little ones heart rate and also the contraction. The contractions were starting to get further apart because I was more calm now in the hospital and talking to the doctor. He gave me a dose of Ambien for me to take if I needed help sleeping and I wasn't going to get any sleep with these contractions every 4-6 minutes. The doc did ask me if my contractions were just uncomfortable or if I wanted to rip someones face off. I just said uncomfortable.... again a sign of pre-labor I guess. We were discharged from the hospital and on our way back home. We got home around 4:45ish. About 5:30 I asked Jeremy to get me the Ambien because I was still having contractions and not getting any sleep. I took the dose and slept till about 6:45 and wanted to get up with the contractions and go to the bathroom. I couldn't even walk. I had to wake Jeremy up (I was conscious to do that). I couldn't walk straight and apparently I was hallucinating that stuffed animals were all around me. I was like "watched out for the stuffed animals" as Jeremy was trying to get me to the bathroom and help me walk. I was pretty much up from this point and Jeremy was timing my contractions and writing them down. I ranged from 4-8 minutes some at 13 minutes apart. My mom came over in the afternoon and sat with me for awhile as I was having these. They were tolerable during the day as I did my breathing. Jeremy's mom came over too and checked in on me. Both moms were great with me and I appreciated this so much.

Jeremy got the trash bags out on the couch and recliner just in case my water did break. He also got the blow up bed out so he could sleep downstairs with me as going upstairs I didn't want to increase my contractions or waste the energy. We were watching the Simpsons and my contractions started to really increase and started to hurt and I was squeezing Jeremy's hand. He did great getting me through them by coaching my breathing. It was around 9:45 when I told him that we needed to call the doc as the contractions were getting worse and I felt like ripping someones head off... at least I was getting close to that point. I talked with my doctor and said I would be more comfortable going and getting checked and he said ok come on in. Jeremy and I head to the hospital and arrive at 10:30 at night. I get checked by my doc and he says "you aren't smiling like you are when I see you in the office" Yeah definitely could tell that I was in some pain. He checks me and sure enough I am 80% effaced and 5 cm! I was like I made it half way with our drugs can I do this and then I was having some hard contractions and I've been pretty much going through contractions since 11:45 on Saturday night and here it was 24 hours later and I was only 5 cm and haven't slept but maybe an hour at this point. I started to think that my breaking point for the epidural was 7/8cm and I was like this could go quick or not. By the time they moved me to the birthing suite and checked me I was 6 cm and it was 12:30 at this point and here comes the epidural. They had to break my water after the epidural. I was thinking this little one should be here in a few hours. Both sets of parents came and were in the delivery room and were so good. The room apparently was freezing, but I was nice and content. At 5:30 in the morning I had progressed to 8 cm. I was moving right along, but a little slow. I was getting excited. Then the shift came at 7am for the doc and I got checked at 8:30ish and I was still at 8cm and they started petocin on me to start getting me to get to 10cm. The little one was also in a Texas roll position so I had to do some special positions to get the little one to come down more at the right angle. Finally around 11:30ish I hit 10 cm. This didn't mean start pushing at this point. My docs do a laboring down process which means once I hit 10cm I still need to stretch naturally which would mean less time pushing and also less chance of tearing. Finally at 12:15 I started pushing. My mom had my right leg and Jeremy had my left leg. My dad was behind my mom just observing! When they broke my water, the little one had taken a bowel movement in me and they might have to get NICU involved just to be safe. I was worried and prayed that everything would be ok. The little one's heart rate was good so that helped me remain calm. I did 4 sets of 3 pushes and she was here!!! Dr. Lyons delivered her and he was so great and he said I was a good listener during the delivery process. The most amazing part of delivery was seeing her still attached to me and Dr. Lyons telling Jeremy to finish the delivery and pull our little one out and put on mama's chest. Once he did this I asked do we have a boy or a girl and Dr. Lyons had Jeremy announce.... it took a few seconds because the umbilical cord was in the way and Jeremy wanted to make sure. He said "It's a girl". Jeremy placed her on my chest immediately and she was just so perfect. Since she was under my chest for a good 30 minutes noone really saw her face. Eventually we did and I asked Jeremy what you want to name her and he whispered in my ear and I said ok. We got Jeremy's parents in the room and Jeremy made the announcement, "everyone meet Addison Diane" The grandparents had tears and lots of hugs were passed around. It was just so amazing and our prayers were answered. Addison was so good to mommy while she was in the belly. Now to find out how she is going to be in the real world!

Ok now if we go back to the game that we played at one of the showers and what we thought she might have and how she entered the world.

Here is the breakdown;

Eyes- Prediction- Jeremy
Reality- She got mama's eyes... Blue and big!

Nose- Prediction- Daddy
Reality- Daddy!

Hair- Prediction- Mama
Reality- She has tons of hair and its dark but lightening up. We are going to say Mama on this one.

Legs- Prediction- Daddy
reality- Daddy- she has long legs. She is already 1/3 of the height of mama.

Feet- well this is a toss up... but we are hoping for daddy. I do have smelly feet and have to wear inserts, so we are hoping for daddy's gene on this.

Reality - she has my 4 smaller toes and daddy's big toe. She has a curve in one of her toes just like mama.

Hands- prediction- we are hoping for mama's. Jeremy has small hands so we are hoping my side of the family carries over on this. My Grandpa Totten has huge hands and if we have a boy then palming the basketball might be helpful!

Reality- She has super long fingers and finger nails so we are going to say mama because she could get a manicure today because her nails are so long!

Friday, April 10, 2009

week 38- Happy Easter

Tuesday- I went to lunch with David. He just had a daughter, Annika, at the end of January so I was asking him all kinds of questions. It was great to catch up with him and hear stories and how exciting it is to be a parent. I can't wait to join him in the next few weeks!!

Friday- we had our doctor's appointment and I did not gain anything from last week which is normal at this stage to plateau. My blood pressure was 108/70 which is still great. The heart rate was in the 150's. The babies head is down. Jeremy received a learning lesson from the doctor on how to feel for the head. It was very neat for him to experience this he said. the little one likes to be on the right hand side of my belly. The doc knew this because when he felt the baby, he pointed out the head, the back and limbs... sure enough the limbs were on my right side. He asked if I got kicked alot on the right side and he knew it. So I had my first check and I have to admit that this was uncomfortable. the doc warned me that there wasn't an easy way to check. I am not really dilated yet which is fine at this point, but I am starting to "soften" up.

Saturday- Jeremy's mom stopped over for a few as she was on her way back home from Aunt Kathy's. She was helping her for Easter brunch. We had to cut the visit short because we had reservations at Portofino's with my parents. I had 5 pieces of their garlic bread (its just so yummy there) and of course Sally, our waitress, took good care of me. The owner, Mary, even stopped by to ask how much longer because she has seen me a few times throughout the pregnancy. I told them the next time they see me we will have a little one with us!

I guess at one point in the middle of the night I made the comment to Jeremy "I need a right handed purse" he repeated what he thought I said and I said "yeah, a right handed purse" he said what about a "left handed purse" I said no... I need a right handed purse. I do not recall this at all and apparently I even sat up and had the conversation with him. What was I dreaming... these pregnancy dreams are weird.

Sunday- We went to mass and literally got blessed by the priest. He was having a good old time with the wand. After mass we went to Aunt Kathy's for Easter brunch and enjoyed the Easter Egg hunt for the kids. It brings back memories of when I was a kid. I can't wait to color Easter egg with my little one and do the Easter egg hunt! After brunch, we went to see Dzie Dzie at the nursing home and he was tired today. He slept alot while we were there with my parents. He woke up just as we were getting ready to leave and wanted us to stay longer, but we had dinner to eat so we came home and my mom made dinner at our house for us. We have left overs for the next few days! We also watch the Masters. It was a 3 man playoff so it made it interesting. I was the one who called the playoff a few holes before and my dad didn't believe me. I so called it!

While we were watching TV, Riley curled up in my lap and was very protective over the baby. She is going to be the guard dog of all 3 of them.

I did wake up this morning with lower back pain and was moving around the house slowly this morning. As the day progressed, the back pain went away, but it was a little rough this morning. At church I can't kneel anymore because my belly gets in the way and I have to stretch for the rail so I just sit and kneel forward. I am still craving the sweets right now. Jeremy had to run and get me donuts this morning. I just can't get away from that sweet tooth. I drink tons of milk though.

Monday- As I was taking a bath this morning I heard Bob just barking outside. It was "I see a squirrel or cat bark". Jeremy came in and told me that Bob sees something outside that he doesn't like one bit. So here we are at 6:30 in the morning and Bob is going crazy. One of the kids next door left an umbrella out and it blew into our fence. It was something unusal and Bob was letting us know he didn't like it and it was unfamiliar. He was protecting his house... I am sure the neighbors loved him barking at 6:30 in the morning, but I would rather have them bark then not! Russeau on the other hand follows me everywhere in teh house and won't go outside in the morning until I go downstairs. he is a mama's boy!

So this will be my final week at work as I get closer to the due date. I still might take work home with me next week, but my goal is to be done on the 17th. I have pretty much hit all my deadlines that I needed to so I am not feeling guilty for leaving work. I just want to make sure that all my responsibilities are taken care of while I am out of the office. Alot of people are stopping by my desk to see if I am still there and how I am feeling. It's great to have so much support and so many people caring about the baby and me. I truly appreciate it all.

Oh I talked to Adam, my BIL, and I will have a nephew by the end of the week!!! So exciting!!

I am continuing to feel pretty good for being 38 weeks. I can't believe that I am going to make it 39 weeks and still working. I am very lucky! I am sleeping pretty good for the most part and the little one still has good movement, but I can tell he/she is slowing down as I am running out of belly room. Everyone at work always compliments me on my positive attitude and that I am still smiling this far along. I constantly say that I can't complain because this little one has been so good to me. Now we will see what that means when he/she is born. I have loved being pregnant and I truly believe its a positive attitude that definitely helps in this department. Not to say that I've always been positive throughout every minute of this pregnancy, but for the most part I have been.

Jeremy has been doing wonderful. He is rubbing my back and feet alot lately (it just feels so good). I know that he would prefer not to do that, but he has been great!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week 37- more shopping and food!

The bedding in the crib!

My new rocker!!! It is very comfy... doesn't make noise and swivels!

Me at 37 weeks!

A closer view of 37 weeks.

This week has been great... my mom brought over Chinese on Wednesday for dinner for Jeremy and me. I didn't have to cook, which I have to admit that I really am not doing alot of these days. I did love to cook prior to being pregnant, but really don't have a desire right now.

On Friday, we had our doctor's appointment and my weight gain is 26 pounds so far. My blood pressure was 118/72. The doctor said I have dropped a little since my last measurement and since I was over 35+ inches that is all he was concerned about. He didn't have a guess on the heart rate of 146 as he said he would be lucky to guess correctly. he gave up on it years ago.

The doc also told Jeremy since the baby's birthstone will be a diamond that he should be getting me a diamond for delivery! I liked this doc!!! I've hinted to Jeremy that the birth of our baby, 5 year anniversary and Mother's day can be combined in 1 gift. He said I had wishful thinking.... so much for hoping.

After the doctor, I went to work and had a delivery of a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my parents. It also had a singing duck in it. I will post some pics and maybe Jeremy can get the video camera out to tape the duck. I think it was played about 30 times at work because it was just hilarious. Then when I got home Jeremy had to play it continuously over the weekend.

Saturday, I decided it was time to make the decision about the rocker and took Jeremy shopping in the morning. We first went to Sam's Club because Aunt Joan needed some baking items and then we went to Babies R Us. I decided to get the chair there because it was more my style and kinda matches our basement furniture since its a tan suede. I figured a second use for when I am done with it in the nursery. I've been sitting in it everyday and getting used to it. I was actually in it the other night for 30 minutes and all the dogs where in the nursery with me. Riley was on my lap, Russeau was on the ottoman and Bob was taking a nap on the floor. They are all with me at all times. They know that they are going to have a little brother or sister to protect.

After shopping, we went to Colten's 1st birthday party (cousin on Jeremy's side). It was great to be with the family and see the little celebrate such an important day! We can't wait for another year to be throwing our little one a party!!

After the party we went to see my Dzie Dzie and he is very talkative. He was telling me to sit down and to watch my step because he didn't want me to fall. I had to go to the bathroom and he wanted my mom to go in there with me to make sure I was ok. He cares so much and doesn't want anything to happen. He is saying twins still... a boy and a girl. I wish we were having twins, but I think we will have to hope for the next pregnancy for that one! After we visited with Dzie Dzie my parents came over and we watch the final four of the NCAA tourney. We also had dinner with my parents, which happens alot! After I ate, the little one got hiccups. My parents were both able to feel the little one. It was the second time that day because I had waken up at 5:00 am and they lasted until 5:23... not that I was counting or anything.

On Sunday, I decided it was time to get the bottles cleaned and I have Tupperware to store them in so they don't get dusty, We have about 14 bottles right now (different sizes) so Jeremy will be helping with the feedings once I start to pump. I want to get as much stuff done ahead time that I can.

Jeremy and I were relaxing after we did a little house work and his parents came over and brought us dinner, mostaccoli. It was very nice of them to do this and very appreciative. It was the first time his dad has been over to the house since we have been pregnant and he got to see the nursery furniture!

So this past week at work I've been in alot of meetings since its winding down to my maternity leave and let me tell you that this one has a very good chance of being an accountant with all the number talk!