Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Week 15- Doctor's appointment

October 29th- So today we had a doctor's appointment and we heard the heartbeat immediately again. Thank you God! I asked the doc what the heart rate was and he said 160. Our little one was moving around alot when he had the doppler on my belly. We have an active little one. Our next appointment is scheduled for November 24th, which is on my dads birthday. We will not do an ultrasound at this one, but wait until our next appointment to do one. I did ask the doctor about my belly button and he said that it is very normal for the belly button to be sensitive during this time. So far I only gained a pound since my last doctor's visit... in total its been about 5 pounds that I have gained. I also asked him about my milk intake because I don't think it is where it should be. I've been having a hard time drinking milk lately. the prenatal vitamins will have the calcium in it, but if I wanted to I could take a supplement. He said this was very normal as alot of adults do not drink milk as they get older. So all in all everything seems to be going really good.

October 30th- Tonight Jeremy and I went out to see my Dzie Dzie at the rehab/nursing center and we helped him had out candy to the trick or treaters. Dzie Dzie didn't want us to leave he was having a good time handing out the candy and then we went back to his room to watch Wheel of Fortune. It was 7:30 and they were getting ready to get all the residents for bed so we decided to leave. He had a great day today. He knows about the baby and keeps telling me 2. He also kept telling me to sit down (I was standing next to him when we were handing out candy).

October 31st- Today was Halloween and Jeremy and I had fun handing out the candy to the little ones in the neighborhood. My mom stopped over after work and sat with us for awhile. She had a great time. She can't wait till next year when our little one is here!! We already have a costume for next year. Jeremy had to get it when we were shopping at Macy's. I think it was more for Jeremy's entertainment more than anything!!!

We had a party to go to at Aunt Julie's tonight and it was alot of fun. We talked with Jory (Brittany's boyfriend) about accounting. We visited with Aunt Kellie, Aunt Jill, Uncle Jeff and Sue and Tom... of course we still need to figure out the next girls night out.

Aunt Julie is so adorable as she is the first one to tell us that we are gonna have a boy. So far its been all girl predictions. We shall see....

Jeremy's mom gave us a book about prayers for our newborn. It was very sweet. We haven't started reading to the baby yet but will be in the next few weeks. So this will be a perfect start!!!

Update on mama and baby- so far so good. I am getting the rest that I need and still eating alot.

November 1st- Today the Irish played Pitt. Since the weather is suppose to be getting colder in November, I decided that I wasn't going to go to the game. Jeremy went with my dad. My dad realizes the importance to spend quality time with his son and its great. I am very lucky that they have a great relationship. So I took them and dropped them off for the game and picked them up after the 4th OT.... poor ND, they lost. My dad treated us to dinner after the game and I got my carmel apple too after the game!! Baby and Mama are so spoiled!

November 2nd- Today we went to Gina and Ben's house for waxing. Andrea, Lisa and Jenny were all there too. We had fun just hanging out and talking and so glad that I have such amazing friends. They are so much fun to be around and they care so much about the baby and always ask how we are doing. We are very lucky to have so many friends that care and take the time to ask how we are doing. Thanks!!!!

So after I finished eating dinner I thought I felt something in my belly move and think it was the baby. It would make sense since I just finished eating and I had my legs scrunched up so it was a little easier to feel. I told Jeremy and then he started to talk to my belly. I wanted to see if I could feel something again from his voice... all I felt was his vibration of his voice on my belly. He still continues to call the baby "Baby Willis". Only daddy would come up with a name so funny.

All in all, after 15 weeks I can't really say a bad word about pregnancy. I love it!!!! the baby has been very good to mama!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Week 14- Baby's First Concert

October 21st- We have finally reached the second trimester!!! Today I received a poem from Debbie that I truly believe it sums up what I am about to experience and wouldn't change it for the world. I had tears in my eyes after reading this.

October 22nd- Today we received a lullaby CD from Molly, Jesse and Abby. I can't wait to start getting the nursery ready and put a CD player in there so we can listen to it! I am sure that Jeremy will have to burn a copy for his car and my car as well!!!

Today we had dinner with the girls, Andrea, Lisa and Meg. We went to Granite City at UP mall and had a very fun evening. We all told stories and laughed alot! It was what we all needed! It's times like this that you realize how important friends are to have. I know that I have the greatest friends in the world and couldn't appreciate them more.

Andrea got the baby an adorable baby blue boy outfit and also a purple dress with little ruffle underpants! She just couldn't decide and had to get them both!!! They are so adorable!!! Thanks Aunt Andrea-- already spoiling your neice or nephew!

When I got home from dinner I noticed that Russeau was breathing heavy and was hoping that it would subside after awhile...well it wasn't. We called the emergency vet at 10:20 at night and they recommended that we bring him in.... so we got there at 10:55 and didn't leave until after midnight! They took x-rays on him and determined that he had some congestion in his lungs and might have asthma. They put him on antibiotics and we need to go to our vet on Saturday for a check-up. Needless to say I didn't go to bed until 2AM and then checked on Russeau every hour to make sure he was doing ok. We had him sleep in bed with us and he slept between mama's legs. I decided to work from home on Thursday so I could monitor Russeau's breathing and if I did need to take him to the vet I would be able to.

October 24th- So today would be the day that I would relive my grade school days with the childhood boy band of my dreams. NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK!! Well I have to back track a little and say that it first started with my dad and me making the trip to Chicago. My dad took the day off of work and so did I to do a father-daughter day and also he drove me to Chicago so I wouldn't have to drive by myself during my pregnancy. Such the best dad in the world! Since I am documenting what baby and mama are going through I am going to put personal things in this. So since a common thing to happen during pregnancy is enlargement of breast size... I have already experienced this. I haven't been able to shop at normal stores as they do not carry my size, I was a 32G prior to becoming pregnant. So my dad and I parked at Water Tower Place and walked over to the 900 shops on Michigan Ave. My mission was to go to Intimacy where they specialize in a proper bra fitting. (thanks Lisa for telling me about this store) I didn't make an appointment and decided to take my chances for a walk-in appointment. My dad decided to go to Ethel's and enjoy a coffee while I did my personal shopping. Well come to find out my size has increased to a 32HH. Yep... I have majorly increased in the chest area. As my dad said... "Jr" will be a happy little guy if its a boy!

So now the shopping was done we had to have a late lunch. We decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory since its right there. I decided to have salad and a pizza and my dad had soup and salad. It was so cute because my dad tasted my meal just to make sure it was ok! So at lunch my dad gave me money to pay for the bras which was totally unexpected but so appreciated as they are super expensive. He wanted to do something to help out with the grand baby and be practical.

So after lunch we wanted to go get Garrett's popcorn on Michigan... so we walked down the few blocks to where it usually is and guess what... they moved as a hotel is going in on Michigan Ave. Needless to say we were running out of time and I had to meet the girls at the hotel so we could do dinner and then go to the concert. So we headed out of downtown Chicago and went to the hotel near Rosemont/Allstate Arena.

We arrive and met up with the girls. My dad stayed at the hotel and did homework and took a nap while we were at dinner and the concert. The girls (Lisa, Leslie, Kelli, and Stacie) all went to Giordano's for dinner and then the concert started at 9:00. We arrived 10 minutes before the first act... Tami Chynn (didn't have a clue who she was-- however I am sure the men in the audience liked her show). She played for about 15 minutes and then Natasha Benningfield played for about 30 minutes and she was great. She even went out in the audience after her performance to sign autographs... how cool was that! Then it was time for the main act... NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK!!! I have never heard so many screaming women in my life. It was awesome!!!! So they opened with Single... their new hit. Followed shortly by "the Right Stuff"... They looked awesome and really good. It wasn't cheesy or anything. They performed so many songs... During the middle of the concert when they were doing their single hits during wardrobe change... I ran to the bathroom really quick with the girls next to me that we met. One of the girls needed a female product and I said I couldn't help as I was pregnant. They let me cut in front of them and then the person in front of them let me go ahead too. How sweet was that?? Strangers were so nice and it was great.

So I came back and it was great timing because the best was in the middle of the show where they came to the back of the arena and did their "piano" performance and they were so close... it was great!!! It was like you could almost touch them. My favorite was seeing Jordan's shirt wide open.... sexy!!! Another favorite was at the end of the show when they do their encore and we knew they had 2 songs to play.... step by step and hangin tough. Well they came out and did Step by Step... I just can't even describe how wonderful it was. They did another bow and then they came back for another encore to Hangin' Tough... Oh my gosh... You wouldn't have thought that with women screaming for 2 hours straight that it couldn't get any louder and it did. This was the best part of the show... They ended on such a good note! It was like you didn't want it to end. During the concert I was feeling my belly alot and just thinking that my baby's first concert was my first concert in seventh grade... how neat is that!!! On top of it all too.. my dad took me to my other New Kids concerts in seventh and eighth grade and it just seemed to complete the picture when he took me to this New Kids Concert. Memories of a lifetime!

October 25th- We took Russeau to the vet for a check-up and he is fine now. I guess he is getting us used to being up at night and going on very little sleep. Today was a relaxing day as mama and baby needed to catch up on rest. We are both doing good and feeling great. My belly is starting to get alittle hard, but not always.

October 26th- I had my little cousins Matty's birthday party to go to today. He had a bowling party and it was so adorable to watch all those kids bowl with the bumpers up. They were having such a fun time. I was also told my Lorissa and her mom that I am having a girl. ALot of people are predicting a girl for us. I am not sure if that is because I am a girlie girl or what it is.... only time will tell.

October 27th- Mama turned 30 today! It was a great day. I got to spend lunch with my friends and dinner with the family. What could a girl ask for? We went to Hani Yori's for dinner and it was good!!! Baby enjoyed the food and everyone touching her belly! Gramps still gets the award for touching my belly the most. He touched it a few times during dinner and I know the baby will definitely know his touch. Jeremy still calls the baby "Baby Willis" my dad calls the baby "Jr". It's funny how everyone has their nicknames for the little one already.

I think I want to start doing a poll to see what people think I might be having. I have rarely heard anyone say that I am having a's pretty much been all girl predictions.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 13- Starting to pop/dedication to Grammie

October 14th- So I decided to start wearing maternity clothes since I have 5 totes of them! Oh my gosh I should have worn them sooner because they are so comfy!!! I want my belly to pop maid of honor Tina, would let me know that I have a poone!

Jeremy and I went to go see my Dzie Dzie and he thinks I might be having twins... girls. Jeremy wasn't too excited about twin girls. I think images of little Sami's running around terrifies him. He knows that he will just be handing over that credit card!!

The dogs had their grooming today and I got a hug from our vet. News spread in our doctor's office that we were expecting since one of the girls, Nikki, that always takes good care of our little ones is expecting as well so we have been sharing stories. She is a few weeks ahead of me so its fun to hear them! Can you tell not only the dogs are spoiled but that mama has a good relationship with the vet. I wouldn't want it any other way. For instance, since we have 3 little ones, I just take them back to the groomers area and help put them in their cages to be groomed. Most people aren't allowed back there, but my little ones get the special attention, which I love!!! Considering we go there every 6-8 weeks to get groomed, they should!!!

October 15th- We had lunch with Katie from my Masters class over the summer. We have become good friends and try to go out to lunch once a month. It's fun to keep up those friendships! I am so jealous that she is done with her Masters degree and I will have 3 classes left after I complete audit this fall. Less than 2 months to go!!!

October 17th- Today at work we had diversity day and I got to hang out with my old crew from the other building. Ben said every time he sees me I am touching my belly! they say the baby can feel you and since the baby is developing its fingers and toes that we should be touching the belly. I am a firm believer in that. I told Ben that the baby will know every ones touch before its born!

Margie had a party tonight at her house so the baby loved all the dips that mama tried. I kept going back and back for test tasting!! I think I made about 7 trips!

October 18th- We went over to Aunt Julie and Uncle Tony's house for poker tonight. It was good to see everyone. It was a smaller crowd than usual, but it was alot of fun! I loved it because Aunt Julie put her hand on my belly as soon as she saw me.. it was so cute! I am so open to everyone touching the belly! My dad still gets the total amount of time that he touches my belly. He is all over it! I told him that I want him in the delivery room with me if I can have 3 people. I am super close with my dad and he usually is the one to calm me down.. so he will be my voice in the delivery room. My mom will be the one giving me the pep talk saying I don't need the drugs and can do this!!! Which is what I will need because I am really into a natural birth without the drugs.

October 19th- Today my mom and I went shopping and we focused alot on the baby. She purchased a winter coat for me that will keep me and the baby warm throughout the winter. She saw the nursery furniture that we are looking at and she wanted to purchase it right then and there. She loved it!!! However she said Jeremy has to be there to make the purchase. She helped me narrow down the selection and I think we finally have a winner. Jeremy and I are gonna wait until after our next doctors appointment to make the purchase though and I am going to Chicago with my dad on the 24th (for the New Kids Concert) and we are doing some shopping in Chicago. I am hoping that we hit a few nursery stores. My dad is really good about asking questions and thinking things through. He was awesome when we planned the wedding and he is just great because he a thinker.. where I am trying to be like that more and more that we are having a baby. I just don't want to do an impulse buy! It will be one step closer to everything being ok if we wait until after the doctor's appointment! Next week is the big week where we go into our second trimester so it will be a big step!!!

Ok I have to say that Grammie (my mom) has purchased about 20 outfits already for the little one. This little one is so spoiled already!! I just love it!!! So far I have the outfits in our nursery, still in the bags because I have to get special detergent to wash them and then I have to wait on the nursery furniture before I can put them away!!! My parents are just loving the idea of being grandparents and its so wonderful. My mom is the absolute best as she checks in with me everyday. I can't thank her enough as this little one has everything we could ever wish for... love!!!

So I have to say that Aunt Joan has been so excited about this little one. She calls consistently about three times a week. Her and I are so close. We tell each other everything... if you think of a topic, you know that we have discussed it! I really admire her because she tells it how it is and doesn't pull any punches! She sent us a card this week for the baby and she had never done that before for anyone and just wanted us to know how special and excited she is about this little one. She told me that she will sit down to hold the baby as she doesn't want to walk and fall with the baby. She just can't wait to see me start popping out in the next few months to see how big I get. We have a little bet going on about how top heavy I will get!

October 20th- We celebrated Elizabeth's birthday last night at Texas Roadhouse and it is known that I have a belly now! I am really excited about it and want the whole world to know! Jeremy's dad agreed that I was getting top heavy and it was very noticeable! We all laughed about it as it is so true. I am told not to smoother the baby with those things! God gave them to me for a reason!

So this past week, I woke up with my belly button kinda hurting. It was only for a day, but that I noticed that... I am thinking that my skin is starting to stretch since I don't have a very big torso area for the baby.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Week 12- Annoucing the Pregnancy

October 7th- Today was the day that we told everyone!!! I sent out an email to the family and friends and the amount of responses were incredible. We can't say thank you enough. I bet I received about 30 emails yesterday. It was just the most amazing thing in the world. I did receive a response from my old high school friend, Kyle, that the little one better be an Obama supporter.... I said we will raise our child to vote as it is very important, but good luck with supporting Obama. We all know where my passions are with.

So I talked with another old high school friend Derek yesterday as he called from Tennessee to ask how my last doctors appointment was and just to check in on the mama and baby. It was so sweet. He is truly like a brother to me. I so appreciate this and it was just wonderful to have the check-ins.

My mom calls or emails me everyday to ask how I am doing and her grand baby, she checks in too on how Jeremy and her grand dogs are doing as well. It's so cute that she does this. I am very grateful that she does. I just feel the love! I have to say that my dad has felt my belly the most out of anyone. Every time he sees me he is always touching my belly. It's so adorable as I know the baby will definitely know his touch and my moms voice!

Jeremy and I went over to our neighbors, Jen and Shannon last night as Jen had 3 tubes of clothes and some books for us to borrow! So awesome!!! I can't say enough as this is just so amazing!!!

My real brother Adam called in and checked on us too which was so sweet. He is such a great brother!! Adam is so awesome about asking how the baby and mama are doing!!! Thanks bro!!!

So I am starting to get energy back alot this week. I am actually leaving the house at 7:15 in the morning now for work, which is kinda close to my original time. I would love to leave at 7:00, like my normal routine for work. We will see if I can get up a little earlier to get to work!

I told Jeremy that this week I am going to purchase a pregnancy pillow to support my back. Mary recommended it and I definitely want to start that support now, rather than later! I also need to get new bras as I can really see and feel the effects of the pregnancy in the chest area. Oh, my last doctors appointment, I have only gained about 4 pounds so far. I can't wait for this belly to start sticking out!!! I just want the world to know that we are gonna have a baby!!!

October 8th- Well Jeremy is still sick and I am just hoping that it doesn't pass to the baby and me. Today was my first test for my auditing class and I took a half day. After lunch, I went to Dzie Dzie's house since no one is there and studied for 2 hours before my test. It was great to relax a little bit before the test, but still wasn't too excited about the test. I am just hoping to pass the class at this point as my memory isn't the greatest these days!

Today we had lunch with Anne and Jenny at Hacienda.... the waiter thought I was gonna order the whole menu! I kept adding to my order. Anne and Jenny were just laughing as it was pretty funny!

October 9th- I have decided that is about time that I do some shopping for the nursery furniture. I am hoping to get Jeremy out on Saturday morning to do some shopping or at least get some ideas. I went and saw Gina (Ben's wife and my personal waxing woman!!!) over the weekend and she told me of some of the boutiques here in town to go to!!! I can't wait to go shopping!!!

Today we had lunch with Jenny, Ben and Kelli. It was Kelli's birthday and birthdays are so important to celebrate and so we took Kelli out to lunch to Main Street Grill. It was yummy!!! I just cherish these times with all my friends because I know in a few months it is gonna change to where my time will be focused. I just can't say thanks enough to them for all of them being so supportive and so considerate! I truly have the best set of friends ever! Our little one is gonna have so many aunts and uncles that he or she isn't gonna know what to do!

Elizabeth and I have finally connected on email and its been great. She has been feeling pretty good through her pregnancy. It's interesting because she is craving pickles and ginger ale, which her sister liked during her pregnancy and she had two boys. Well I am craving pineapple and that is what Debbie craved during her pregnancy and she has 2 girls, Hannah and Hayden. SO I wonder if this is a sign that she is having a boy and if I am having a girl. I know that they are going to find out the sex of the baby so stay tuned to see if this prediction will be right.

Since we announced the pregnancy at work, everyone at work knows now and I have to say thank you to all my coworkers who have been so awesome this week. It is great to hear their stories and the advice that they have to share. One of the girls here at work is also pregnant and she gave me the insight that we get to park up front now at Crowe, one of the benefits of being pregnant!!! So I am taking full advantage of that, especially since its gonna be turning cold weather soon.

Over the weekend Jeremy was still trying to get some rest but I managed to drag him out to some nursery shopping. We went to a few stores and he found a nursery furniture set that he likes. It would work for me because it is a shorter crib and the changing table was perfect for my height too. The dresser was super tall so Jeremy can be in charge of those top drawers! The color was great too. However, I still can't decide on white or a cherry/mahogany color. I feel that if its a boy would a white crib be appropriate? Oh the dilemma! I did compare the brand to my baby bargain book and it is rated an A- so I think that is pretty good!!! We saw my mom on Saturday afternoon and I can't wait to take her shopping because my parents are providing the nursery for us. What a wonderful gift and totally unexpected! We are very lucky that my parents want to do this for their grand baby!!! My parents want the best for their grand child and my mom even suggested a personally designed crib so that it would have exactly everything that I want and meet all the safety requirements. I am still debating that one too!

We had a 1st birthday party to go on Jeremy's side of the family. It was for Isaac!! He is such a little cutie! Katie, Isaac's mom, gave me some of her baby stuff that she had and it was so great!! She gave me a magazine that she felt was very helpful that she got during her pregnancies. I just can't say thanks enough to everyone during the pregnancy process... everyone has been so giving and so sweet. It just makes it all the more special!

So Notre Dame lost over the weekend.... I tell you that we are gonna have to start making these road trips as the baby is good luck for Irish (at least that is what I think)!

So on Saturday night around 8:00, it was hot in our house and I wouldn't let Jeremy turn on the air conditioning because knowing Indiana weather will turn so quick on ya and its October. Well we still have the 2 airbeds set up in the basement from when we had company for the Notre Dame home games. We decided to do a "camp-out" in our basement. We both started in 1 bed with all 3 dogs.... soon it ended up with Jeremy being in the other bed... Bob being in his dog bed and the twins being with me. According to Jeremy, I am a bed hog and I love to sleep diagonally so he wants to make sure that I am as comfortable as possible. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and was cold because it was cold down there in the basement. I went upstairs to our bed. Within 15 minutes everyone made their way up... Bob, then Russeau, then Riley and then Jeremy. I have to say that when this little one arrives I told Jeremy that we will have to do the camp out as a tradition in the basement. He said we can do the real thing outside in the back yard... my response was "that would be your department.... I will not be sleeping outside" I am so not a camper.

So I did have my first case of "morning sickness" but I believe it could have been prevented. Jeremy and I had a blood test for Notre Dame to do and our appointment was at 10:15 in the morning on Saturday. I wanted my results to be good and since you are suppose to "fast" I tried not to eat in the morning... well lesson learned that I should have ate. It lasted about 3 minutes and Jeremy was rubbing my back in the process. However, he did say that I have that duty when the baby is here because he doesn't like to deal with it... I got him though because he does it for the dogs and I said your child is completely different from the dogs and if you do it for the dogs, you will do it for your child!