Playing with her new toy
Daddy and Addie on Christmas
Yeah a Colts cheer leading outfit from Uncle Mitch, Aunt Lorissa and Matty!
with her aunt and uncle
With Grammie and Matty!
Yeah! A present from Aunt Joan and Uncle Joe... she loves it! (she stood herself up on the box all by herself)
Christmas morning with mommy and daddy....she just woke up!
With Great Grandpa on Christmas Eve... she was so tired.
After visiting Santa
With Santa (aka Uncle Tony)
Harrison and Addie showing off they can crawl!
With Santa (aka Grandpa) she loves those bells
Harrison and Addie with Santa
Addie stole Harrison's toy.
Addie trying to stand up on a present.
With Grandma
December 20th- Today we celebrated Christmas with Aunt Joan, Uncle Joe, Grammie and Gramps. We had lots of fun and Addie started to show off her crawling skills, but didn't get to far as she just wanted to be held alot.
When we got home, she crawled forward for the first real time (stomach off the ground and moving all four limbs correctly)!!! It was a huge accomplishment. We are so proud of her!!!
December 21st and 22nd- I worked half days in the office and Jeremy was home and Addison and daddy got to have father daughter time. It's funny because when its just me and Addie, we are usually showered no later than 9am. Now with daddy watching Addie, she was still in her PJ"s on Monday and Tuesday, Addie was dressed, but not daddy. It cracks me up on the difference in routines.
December 23rd- Today we had our Christmas celebration with Grandma, Grandpa, Adam, Elizabeth and Harrison. Addie showed off her crawling skills and got to meet Santa (aka Grandpa). She did so good and isn't afraid at all of Santa. She just wanted Santa's bells, again! Addie enjoyed all of her gifts and we can't wait to open up all of her toys and wash all of her clothes!
December 24th- We had Jeremy's family big Christmas today. Addie was such a trooper being out of her routine and not on her nap schedule. I am so proud of her. She did great waiting for Santa and she was spoiled again from the aunts and uncles.
December 25th- Today we had Christmas at our house with my side of the family. Mitch, Lorissa, Matty and my parents were here to celebrate with us. Again, Addie was spoiled. She showed off her crawling moves and got lots and lots of kisses from everyone.
December 29th- We celebrated Jeremy's mom's bday today. We started by going out to lunch with her and Addison did so good in the restaurant. She can feed herself really good and I've been trying to give her foods that are finger friendly for her. I did try and give her banana's pieces the other day but they were too slippery for her. After lunch, Jeremy, me and Addie went to the mall and did a little shopping. Again, Addie did so good in the mall. She is just so patient and content. We got home and then it was time to head over to Jeremy's parents house to have pizza and cake. Addie ate really good there and she also had lots of smiles and was playing with Grandma and Grandpa. However it was getting past her bedtime and she let us know that she wasn't having anymore of it and we left. I've tried to keep her on her schedule, but its been hard over the holidays.
December 31st- Today we went up to my parents house and my parents cooked dinner for us. Addie did really good until it came time for a nap and she just wanted to stay up and she fought it.
January 1- Well Jeremy and I broke the cardinal rule.... Addie was up alot last night (thanks to the fireworks in the neighborhood) and then she was just not sleeping good. We think she is teething. So at 1 in the morning I brought her into bed with us... I know I know. Horrible of me to do this, but we just needed some sleep. She slept good then with being close to me and I actually got a little bit of sleep.
We all stayed in our PJ's today. It was a lazy day in the house. We were visited by Grandma, Grammie and Gramps today! What a day to spend New Year's!!!
So we are starting to get a snow storm. Jeremy and I went out at 9:30 at night and shoveled the driveway... we probably have about 12-14 inches now.
January 2- Addie did alot better tonight with sleeping. She only got up twice, which was a major improvement from the previous night.
So Addie is all over crawling and pulling herself up on everything. She isn't walking yet, but she loves to pull herself up on things. She is constantly sticking out her tongue and feeling her bottom gums... we think there is a tooth. Her gums are bumpy and swollen, but no tooth that you can see yet.
January 3rd- So at 2:30 in the morning her monitor went off and I was letting her talk it out, but then I heard some giggles out of her (which is unusual) so after 15 minutes, I went into her room and to my surprise she was standing in her crib and looking at me. It scared the crap out of me. She was ready to play and wide awake. Needless to say I was awake but no playing time allowed when its night time. I was with her for about 30 minutes and then she finally went back to sleep and slept until 8:15 in the morning... that was a shocker for us. I couldn't believe it.
Our usual day/night routine consists of-
6:30 wake up- nurse and then a nap until 7:45-8ish.
8:15 ish- time for cereal
9:45-10:00- 30 minute nap
11:00- lunch time
12:00- 30-45 minute nap
2:30-3:00- snack time then nap
5:00-5:15- dinner time
6:00-6:30 night night
Today was taking down the Christmas tree and me finally breaking down and realizing that the front room of the house is going to be Addie's toy room. She got lots of toys at Christmas and since she is crawling and all over the place might as well let her have fun with all of her toys too!
Addie is now in 3rd foods. She really likes Chicken Noodle, Mac & Cheese, and Chicken & rice. She loves her fruits and yogurt melts. She can go to town with her pincer fingers and prefers the yogart melts to her puffs.
She now says Mama and Bob!
Since Jeremy and I have been on vacation we have wanted to sleep in. So when she gets up at 6:30. I've been bringing her to our bedroom and putting her in bed and letting her play. Well she eventually falls asleep but not without talking to daddy and slapping his face and grabbing him. It's hilarious when he wants to sleep. I have the TV on, just want to stay in bed and relax a bit before we get up. I thinks its funny, but Jeremy not so much since he still wants to sleep.
She likes to pretend she is in jail. We have now put up baby gates and she immediately crawls towards them and she shakes them like she wants out, but she is just having fun.
When I have her in the kitchen with me (it's tile) and she bounces/scoots across the floor. It's hilarious to watch. She also likes to surf too on the floor along with crawling.
She likes the blue light on the DVDR player. She likes the carbon monoxide detectors in the hallway. She gets distracted when she crawls from her bedroom to ours.
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