Saturday, January 29, 2011

20- 21 months

January 4th- Addie's first day in the 2 year old room at school. She was moved up early as she was getting "bored" in the nursery. I was very excited to hear the news back in December that this change would be happening, but was very nervous for my little girl. How would she do? Is she going to pick up bad habits? Is she going to start talking more at school? Will she continue to share? Well, she has been doing great, however, she uses the word No alot now. She picked this up around the last week in January and tells her dogs No, No, No when she has food and they want some. I told her we have to share and she says "share" and then we give a piece of food to either Riley, Russeau or Bob....mostly Bob!

January 23rd- Today in church, I had a coughing attack and needed to get some water so I took Addie with me to avoid "mommy, mommy, mommy" (which Mom is her favorite word for EVERYTHING) after my drink, we waited in the vestibule because it was during the sermon and as we were waiting there, Addie grabs her pants and says "potty". so to the bathroom we went. She went. then it was back in the vestibule.... a few minutes later, "potty". So I take her for the second time and she goes. this time it is Eurcharist time so I didn't want to enter and we stayed out again. I heard "potty" for the thrid time so I took her again and she went again.... a litte dribble at this point, but she still went. So now by the time we are done, Eurcharis is over and Jeremy walks out and she wants to go again, but I don't let her and we just go home. She did great at going potty. The funny part was after her washing her hands and then using the hand dryer. She didn't know what to do at first and I had to show her a few times and then she was like ok I can do this... but still not 100% in love with it.

January 21st- Her first overnight! We went to Four Winds casino with Jeremy's parents and my parents watched Addie for the night. I got a bed rail for my parents house to put up so my mom could sleep with Addie. Apparently my parents should have videotaped the innocident because as my dad was trying to connect the straps underneath the mattress, my mom had to grab the straps as my dad held the mattress and Addie was supervising "under the mattress". Then as my dad was connecting some items, my mom was holding Addie and she was near the light switch. Addie says "light" and then the lights went out.... my dad was like what happened to the lights... my mom was rolling. I guess a classical moment!

January 28th- We went out to dinner with Jeremy's parents tonight at Starlite pizza. It was very yummy and Addie had to go potty 3 times while we were there! She is into checking out the potties wherever we are at. She says potty and then starts pulling down her pants.

Feb 1st- we had a big snowstorm and Addie's first BLIZZARD!!! we didn't necessarily get lots of snow, but hte winds were horrible. I even had a friend stuck for 9 hours on Lake Shore Drive in chicago because of hte waves from the lake hitting LSD and people were just stuck with white out conditions. Well after the storm blew by, we took Addie out sledding with our neighbors, William and Tommy and she had a blast. This was the first time we took her, but her teacher Ms. Brittany took her sledding at school. I guess Addie didn't want to go on the sled, but she had too and once she was on, she LOVED it and giggled all the way down the hill!!! I love her school stories!

Jan-Feb- We've been working alot on painting, glueing, and coloring. Her teachers told me that for being the youngest in teh 2 year old room she does very well. They show her a finished product and then give the kids the supplies and they have to put it together... ie- snowman face, they put the eyes, nose, mouth on the snowmen! I will try to take some pics of her artwork from school to and not just from home. I love the fact that we are sent home artwork!!! I love her school for that!!! Oh- she says all of her teachers names. Ms. Erica, Ms. Brittany, Ms. Cindy, Ms. Michelle, & Ms. Melissa. It's the cutest thing ever!!!

February 6th- We had a Superbowl party and Addie really loves to play with all of Lucy's stuff. I came up with all games for everyone and we had tons of fun playing them (at least I did) and I think everyone was a winner! Harrison and Addie had fun playing with home-made playdoo that Auntie Elizabeth made.

February 14th- Today was Addie's first big classroom party. It was my first time to send something in for her class. I made Valentine's for all the kiddos which included playdoo, rice Krispie treats, stickers, etc. Addie was so excited for her Valentine's day box full of goodies. She got some candy and speical Valentine's made by her friends. the look on her face when she opened them was the best! she had to put them back in the box and then reopen them again.

Grandma and Grandpa came over and gave Addie their Valentine's Day goodie bag. She had so much fun opening it and picking out everything she got. She got yougart, books, stickers (which she had to put on Grandma and Grandpa)!

Grammie came over later in the week to give her a "Forida" wardrobe, plus lots of undies. It was interesting because Addie has been doing good at home with potty training and for school, I've been sending her in a diaper, well one of her teachers noticed the pics of the undies on Facebook and asked if she was training and I said yes. We've had Addie on the little potty since she was 12 months, but nothing forced. We couldn't really focus on potty training too early because her nursery didn't have a bathroom in it at school. Now that she is in the 2 year old room she has access to a potty. She just is very quiet at school so her communication needs to be improved on. At home she tells me potty or just runs to the bathroom. So now, the last week in February, we sent her in undies at school. Her first day was with her new teacher so she had a few accidents. The rest of the days that she was there, I picked her up with undies on!!! Go Addie Go!!! She is doing really good and usually has an accident in the morning.

So Addie loves to play smelly walking feet and she does this with Jeremy. She also likes to grab ahold of his leg and be scooted around on the floor. She loves this game. She also loves tag... we hear "chase me"!!! It's so cute!!!

She really loves her dogs. They will run from her at times, but for the most part she can pull on their ears to do checks and then put clothes, blankets, car rides with them. Russeau, being the little guy, usually gets tortured the most. She picks him up and carries him a few feet and then drops him. luckily its close to the floor. Usually in the morning, her first words after taking a bath and such are to the dogs to go outside... we hear her screaming at them "OUTSIDE...GO DOWNSTAIRS.... OUTSIDE.... if they are choosing to sleep in a little, she usually gets their collar and says go. She also loves to get the dog food and feed them. SHe is a very good helper.

She continues to help me with the laundry and dishwasher. SHe loves to help and is really good about it!

February 19th- Addie was suppose to spend the night with Jeremy's parents for the first time tonight but her whole class was sick and she was pretty much out of school this whole week. They had a respiratory/pneamonia going around. We had to cancel on Jeremy's parents because we didn't want to get anyone sick.

February 27th- We went to the Shedd Acquarium with Grandma & Gramps. Gramp's company had the free passes again. Addie defienlty enjoyed it better this time then last time. She ran from exhibit to exhibit. We also got to experience the penguins too. I think these were her favorite as she stayed there for about 15-20 minutes just watching them.

March 5th- Addie had her second overnight at Grammie and Gramps' house. We went to the George Strait, LeAnn Womack and REBA concert with Jeremy's parents. Addie was really good and my parents took her to church... she made it all the way through until it was time to put her coat on at the end of church and apparently she screamed and didn't want her coat on. thank goodness people were signing becuase I guess she let it be known that she wasn't going to wear her coat!

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