Thursday, November 8, 2012

Halloween party- school

Addie had a great day at school for her Halloween party.  Her teachers do a great job  about planning and just having lots of tricks up their sleeves for the kiddos.  She sang songs, read a story, had breakfast, played games, did crafts and dressed up as Cinderella to go trick or treating at school.   I would say it was a successful day.  Last year at this time, I had a work meeting and was unable to attend her school party.  I was in tears and ready to quit my job because there is nothing more important than my daughter.  The way work had been going, it was the you are a number, not a person mentality and that really hurt.   So I made the vow to never miss a school function or event of Addison's as I felt so guilty for not going and still gets to me this day.  Luckily Jeremy went and took pictures and videos last year for me.  This year, I took tons of pictures of her with her friends and really enjoyed it with the other parents too! 

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