Sunday, November 7, 2010

18 months- TIme for a change!

We did Zoo Boo with Adam, Elizabeth, Harrison (aka Dumbo), Lucy (aka a pumpkin), Grandma and Grandpa. Addie had a decent time trick or treating at the zoo. We took a train ride at the zoo and Addie was so good. She sat with me and Grandpa. It was definelty a benefit to be a zoo member, but it was sure crowded when finally got in. Next time we will "skip" those first few booths and go around. It just took forever to get everyone down to "one lane". We skipped alot of the booths as we weren't really into the candy, it was just about going and something for Addie to be apart of and experience. We did do the butterfly exhibit that had a musical intrument petting zoo. Addie really could have cared less about it. She is going to take after both parents and probably not care too much about playing an instrument. If she wants to, then we will support her, but its not our cup of tea. We were there for about 2 hours and when it was time to leave, we got ditched by everyone. Jeremy turned around from a booth and we both said to each other "where did everyone go". Our party that we came with was nowhere in sight. By the time we had caught up to everyone, we were at the end of the park, almost to our cars. I was very disappointed and felt Addie was treated very poorly and felt she wasn't important at all and other people were.

October 30th- I signed up Addie for swimming and dance lessons. This week Anne and I went shopping at the Ballot Store and got her the dance outfit (thanks to Grammie for buying it)! It's so cute!! It's peach/pink with rhinestones on it. So we did swimming class first and she did fine for the first 15-20 minutes of class and then it was time to play with the toys and then put them back and then it was all over... she didn't want to put her toy back or paricipate in class. My little Diva today.... then dance class was 30 minutes later. We are all dressed and ready to go and she was doing ring around the rosey with other kids before class started (knowing that she is the youngest and shortest) when class started, she still wanted to do ring around the rosey and fussed so we left class and I have decided that 2 classes back to back is a bit much and dropped her dance class. We will try it another session.

October 31st- Grammie came over since Gramps had to work and watched her do her first trick or treat in the neighborhood. Grammie started to go around with us and then daddy joined us and Grammie handed out candy at our house for little bit. We only did our little section of the subdivision. Addie had a blast going around with Tommy, Logan, and William (her big brothers). We later joined Jeremy's family at Aunt Julie's house. It was later by the time we went over there since we finished up handing out candy in our neighborhood. I feel that since we will be getting candy from our neighbors, that we should hand out. it's the right thing to do.

November 4th- We went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house to have pizza with them and Adam, Elizabeth, Harrison and Lucy. Addie enjoyed doing a dance party with Harrison too.

November 5th- We went to the Shedd Acquarium today with Gramps. Addie had a blast going from exhibit to exhibit and pointing to the fish, turtle, frogs, etc that she saw. She was so good and lasted about 2 hours. We went to the live performance, but then left in the middle of it as Addie didn't want to sit still and she was tired and hungry. It was then time to leave and she passed out as soon as we were in the car and she slept for about 1.5 hours!

November 24th- We celebrated Gramp's birthday by going out to dinner and having Albano's pizza in Laporte. Addie sat on Gramp's lap and helped him open up his presents. She really enjoys it. When we sang happy birthday, she thought we were singing for her and she had the biggest smile on her face. She also can say Happy Birthday!!! Addie went home with daddy and I stayed and enjoyed an "adult" birthday celebration with my parents by going to casino with them. We had a blast and got home around midnight.... late night out.

November 25th- Thanksgiving. We started out at my parents house and had dinner there. We then went ot Jeremy's parents house later that night. Addie got to put a decoration on the already decorated downstairs Christmas tree. It is good that she got to participate, eventhough it was already done. Maybe next year they can wait for her to show up since others are waited on.

December 6th- We celebrated St. Nick's day at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Addie received a recorded book by them of the Night before Christmas. A great gift for her to have the rest of her life!

December 20th- this afternoon, Jeremy and I took Addie downtown SB to visit Santa. She sat on Santa's lap with no issues or anything. She wasn't scared at all. However, I was the one holding her and letting her know that it was ok.

December 23rd- We celebrated the smaller Miller Christmas today at Jeremy's parents house. The kiddos were spoiled with lots of love. the pictures explain it all! We are very lucky that we are able to afford gifts and to celebrate the way we do. One day we might not be able to, but I am so happy that we can. Santa also made an appearnece and Harrison freaked out which made Addie freak out when Grandma went to put them on Santa's lap. I knew I should have taken Addie myself to do it and she would have been fine since she was just a few days ago. Bummer that she is probably now afraid.

December 24th- We celebrated Christmas with Jeremy's mom side of the family today. Santa came and Addie freaked out. crap...not the vision I had planned for her. I don't want her to be scared and now she is... bummer. Addie wasn't having anything to do with the nice sit-down meal. There was so much going on for her and she just wanted to be away from all the comotion. Jeremy ended up being on daddy duty while I helped in the kitchen with some of the aunts. I know alot of work goes into preparing all the food and clean-up that you need to help out. Alot of people are raised with not having this etiquette... my mom would have been so disappointed for not helping out. I can't wait to teach Addie all of this too. She already helps me with the dishes and the laundry!! I love my little girl and she is growing up and becoming a good helper!!!

December 25th- Finally a day with MY family! It seems that my family always gets forgotten or pushed aside for the holidays when they do so much for us. I think its time for a change in tradition and to make it equal. I don't think it matters the size of the family, but now that Addie is in the picture, I think it's time for her to go with some new traiditions. I want her to be raised how I was raised and I struggle with sharing with other ideas. My thought is that we would have Christmas Eve at our house with both sets of families over and then open up all the gifts (except for Santa's). I would like for her to leave milk and cookies out and then on Christmas morning come downstairs and have her Santa present. What I envisioned this year didn't happen like that...needless to say, I had preping, cooking, setting the table, opening up presents, getting ready for my family to come over to our house and it just didn't go down how I wanted it to for Addie. We did her Santa gift first and then the rest of the presents.... time to revise the plan! Jeremy promised me in 2-3 years when we have our next house built that we will be doing the big Christmas. I like the fact that we will be spending next year at my parents house for Christmas Eve. That is what my mom wants and she is going to get that. I don't care if anyone else has issues with that. My mom is my mom and she does EVERYTHING for us and if that is what she wants, then she is going to get it. I've had to share the past 9 years and its time for a change for people to feel the way I feel and to realize that being taken away from tradition and family does hurt. I think 1 year of out 10 years isn't a bad request at all..... now I just need to stick to my guns and do it for ADDIE!

December 27th- Jeremy and I had a date today while Addie went to my parents. She had so much fun going all around my parents house and she was spoiled that Grammie held her for 2 hours while she slept in her arms. My mom said its the best feeling ever and she would do it all the time! We had a great dinner when Jeremy and I got back from shopping, lunch and a movie!

December 29th- Today Jeremy, Addie and I went to visit grandpa during his chemo treatment. She was all smiles and made some of the patients, nurses and Grandpa all smile. It's amazing what a child can make you feel when you aren't in the best of conditions. Later that evening, we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's and Uncle Adam made everyone dinner while Addie and I supplied homemade cupcakes for Grandma's birthday! It was a great birthday celebration for everyone. We even were able to capture a picture of all the grandkids with Jeremy's parents!!