Monday, August 29, 2011

Daddy's 34th Birthday (Aug 2011)

The family came over to celebrate and it was great having everyone over.  I just wish we did it more.  The kids had a blast playing football and also with the water guns!  I say this all the time, but to be a kid again!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

1st day of pre-school

So technically I am calling it her first day of school because she has a new teacher and camp is officially done. Her new teacher is Mrs. Jen and she is my old volleyball coach. Small world! I love the fact that she has her as a teacher and will learn so much. She is currently in a class of a total of 5 and she is the only girl! She has become the class police officer. She is telling 2 new students where things go and where they don't go. She keeps the order in the classroom!

I already love it because Mrs. Jen is focusing alot on reading. Good thing Addie loves to read because the 1st week assignment was to read 5 books... yep we pretty much read 5 books a night so that was easy! She had tons of assignments that they did during class, aka.... artwork! Plus she was tired too so I know that she is using her brain!

So Addie loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Pat-A Cake and Her ABC's. it's hilarious because if you ask her to do one of them, she is on repeat over and over!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1st day of School, football, visiting daddy for lunch (Aug 2011)

Addie started her first day of school with Mrs. Jen and Miss Brittany.  She is in the 2 year old room, but it's not new for her because she moved up early!  Mrs. Jen is my former high school coach and just love her to pieces.  Addie is receiving the best education and love!  Miss Brittany is so good with the kids, I will be sad when she finishes up school and leaves Addie's school.   We are for sure lucky!

this is a typical day in the neighborhood.  The kids come over and play...Jeremy of course being the big kid!  Look at Addie trying to play with the big boys!

The last few pics on this post is Addie and I visited daddy for lunch and walked across campus at Notre Dame.  

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

walk in the neighborhood aug 2011

Our neighbors Mamaw and Papaw gave us a red wagon!  So we tried it out in the neighborhood and took a nice little stroll in it.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

basketball time August 2011

Thank goodness my parents are cool with all these toys we keep taking over to their house.  One of my friends was moving and he had a basketball hoop and asked if we wanted it for Addie.  I said sure so we took it up to my parents house since they have property and just keep it there.  Addie loves to play with her balls and attempt shooting it. Considering daddy was a walk-on in college for a Division I school.  I say she has some bb game in her!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Potty Training update

So Addie has been going on the potty chair at 12 months... she had her first poop in the potty chair at 13 months (yep, I took a picture of this to document since I was a proud mommy, but will not post to save all).

So at her school, we couldn't push the potty training until she was moved up to the 2 year old because they didn't have a bathroom in her room. So after Christmas break, she was moved up to the 2 year old room. She was 20 months old!! This move took place January 2011. So there was some teacher changes and in February we started sending in her underwear to school. talk about having nerves. There were a few times were she did have an accident in the car, but she did really good. So now the routine, July 2011 is that she is potty trained! When we make trips out to the grocery store, visit daddy at work, go to the grandparents houses, she is in her underwear! She is very good and I would say her number of accidents are maybe 1 a week if that, which I think is fantastic. At school though, at nap time, she is in a diaper. At home during nap time she isn't. The only diaper that we put on her is at night time, which 5 out 7 mornings she is dry in the morning so I think we are going to start on that one now!

So proud of my little girl!!!

I do attribute this to a few things though....

1. introducing it early, but not forcing it.

2. letting her watch me (mommy) and not have it be this awful, embarrassing thing.

3. When accidents do happen to be patient and not scold.

4. We never did rewards with Addie, as in M&M's or anything. We just did positive re enforcement. Lots of clapping and saying Good Job!

5. Letting her be naked at home so it was easier for to go to the bathroom and not have to struggle to take down her pants and have an accident.

6. going often to where she got the hang of "holding it"

I do have to share a story that happened in July 2011.

When Addie left the bathroom on July 16th, she announced to daddy (so excited too) "daddy, I rocked a deuce". Looks like daddy needs to watch what he says since little Miss Addison is repeating everything now! Before it was us waving bye-bye to the poop poo when she flushed.