Thursday, January 28, 2010

9 months

Well we haven't started off 9 months to a great start as Addie has come down with a viral infection/cold. We went to the doctor on January 21st and she weighed 21 pounds 13 ounces and was 28 inches long. You would never know that she was 6 pounds 5 oz at birth! She has grown 8 inches in 9 months! She is in the 90th percentile for weight and between the 50-75th for height. We then went on January 25th to the doctor with my mom and she lost 7 ounces. She wasn't doing very good as over the weekend she spiked a fever and just wasn't herself. My mom joined me at the doctor on our second trip since Jeremy couldn't get out of work. Addie just layed on my chest and wasn't moving. She just wasn't herself at all.

The past 2 weeks the nights have been horrible for us. She was getting up every hour because she just couldn't breathe... her poor nose was just running and so stuffed. We had to bring her into our room and have her sleep prompted up a little on me. It was the only way she was getting sleep and us too. We start with her in her bed but then in the middle of the night she usually ends up with us because she just isn't comfortable. Poor little thing. I know that we have broken the cardinal rule on bringing her into bed with us, but its the only way we were getting sleep and I knew she was ok from being sick.

Over the weekend, we had both sets of grandparents visit. My parents came over on the 23rd and we had pizza and watched the Hangover. It was one of those things were I wanted my mom there as she has been around a sick baby (me). She would let me know what I needed to do. It's one of those things were you feel better with your mom there. I hope I am around for many years for Addie for her in these situations. Jeremy's parents came over with their brand new car too! Grandma needed it for any trips she would be taking with Addie in the car!

During the week, my mom came over checking in on Addie. Addie was feeling better by Wednesday and so thankful too. She still isn't back to normal, but she is doing better now.

January 29th - Today was Addie's first day back at daycare in about 2 weeks. We kept her home since she wasn't feeling good at all. She had a rough day at daycare, but she drank 6 oz from a bottle. She hasn't been a fan of the bottle for about 2 months now (we rarely give her a bottle, but at daycare).

January 3oth- Adam, Elizabeth, and Harrison came over and we found out that we are going to be an aunt and an uncle and Addie is going to be a Big Cousin!!! Harrison and Addie had a great time playing and they were so good with each other. It is great to see them play together and spend time together. We just need to do it more often!

January 31st- Jeremy's parents came over and we had lunch together. When grandma and grandpa first arrived, Addie was sleeping in her crib. She woke up about 20 minutes after they arrived and Grandma just couldn't wait to go get her. It was so adorable. Addie had fun playing with Grandma and Grandpa and she learned how to play Euchre too! She is Grandpa's buddy when it comes to playing cards. She likes to sit on his lap but then ends up on Grandma's lap when Grandpa has to shuffle.

February 1st- Today Addie went behind her little truck walker and walked from the living room to the kitchen behind it. She is cruising now walking behind an object!!! GO ADDIE GO!!

February 3rd- today we met my mom at the nursing home to see Dzie Dzie. Again, Addie was the hit. She was held by a few staff members and also Mrs. Danik. Addie is so good when she is there and just loves to see Dzie Dzie. Dzie Dzie keeps such a good eye on her too. She had a teething toy and he was like "she's got something in her mouth" So cute! We had fun helping out with arts and crafts too with Dzie Dzie!

February 4th- Today we were to have lunch with Lisa, but we had to rescue Grammie today. Grammie called at about 10:30 and said that her car died on her so we packed up and went to the rolling prairie gas station that my mom was at. So then we ended up going to Grammie's house and getting the truck for Grammie to drive. Addie enjoyed most of the car ride and had so much fun with Grammie for awhile.

February 5th- So Addie had an ok day at daycare. She had a good morning, but rough afternoon. She cried alot. We are hoping that its just her realizing that mama isn't around. As soon as she sees me, she is fine and all smiles and giggles. We are told that this is normal and kids go through this at 9 months, but it just breaks my heart.

February 6th- So we've been trying Addie out with the stairs this week and she is trying to get the hang of it. She does a few steps and then she just sits. She can get up a few, but we don't push it yet. Today Grammie and Gramps came over and watched Addie while Jeremy and I went to dinner with Andrea and Ryan at Yesterdays. Grammie said she did so good. They did their numbers, alpahbet, days of the week... etc. It's always educational when Grammie comes over!

February 6th- Addie's first superbowl!!! We had a little party and Grammie, Gramps, Grandma, Grandpa, Adam, Elizabeth and Harrison came over. The kiddos did so good playing with each other. They even were cheering on the Colts as they both got on their horses! It was so cute because they would rock back and forth on them (the best they could). It was too darn cute! They also shared being in "jail". We have the gate up in the kitchen and they both were standing and shaking the gate, like let me out. It was pretty funny.

February 7th-12th- This week has been pretty low key for us. On the 7th, Addie had her first real play date. It was with 2 boys too! I picked up Tommy from school and brought him back to our house and Addie did homework with Tommy while she had a snack. She got her learn on too! Tommy and Addie played and it was so cute to watch. He is 7! Then in the evening, Tommy went to a meeting with his parents and I watched his little brother William. William is 3 and he did really good with sharing with Addie. He even let her play with his trucks. She loved watching them run on the carpet.

We haven't really made any trips. We did do a craft project for her 1st Valentine's Day at daycare. I traced her hand and cut it out and put "you deserve a hand" to all of her teachers with a bottle of hand soap. I thought it was a creative idea!

She hasn't been sleeping the best this week. I believe she is teething as she is putting everything and anything in her mouth. I keep feeling for a pocket but nothing is poking through yet.

February 13th- My parents came over and we celebrated Valentine's Day with them. Addie loved playing with Grammie and Gramps. My dad pushed and played with her on her toy and watched her while my mom showed us her new present!

February 14th- Jeremy's parents came over and celebrated Valentine's Day with Addie. She got lots of clothes from Grandma and Grandpa! She had fun visiting with Grandma and Grandpa too. When they arrived she was taking a nap in her crib and when she woke up they immediately went upstairs to get her.

February 15th- my mom had the day off so we spent time with Grammie. We went to lunch at Hacienda and Addie had so much fun. She kept looking at the bull up above her head in the high chair there. There were also 2 kids and a mom behind us and the kids were so into Addie. It was so cute. Addie did great eating her lunch while my mom and I ate too. The lady said that Addie looked like a gerber baby and was so good! We just get so many compliments from strangers.

February 16th- Today was a rough day again at daycare for Addie. I got a phone call at 1:00 and talked with Addie's teacher. I can't handle it anymore with her having bad days. Apparently she had a good morning, went down for a nap and then was just crying. She calmed herself down and then it was lunch time and she didn't want anything to do with her highchair, which is totally not like her because she is a champ at eating her foods and loves to be in her high chair. We don't have any problems with her and that. So she went down for a nap and then had a good afternoon. It just breaks my heart that she is having bad days at daycare. I am really struggling as a mom leaving my child. How do people do it? I am not strong enough to leave her anymore.

February 17th- We went to Ash Wednesday mass at Holy Family today and Addie did so good. Mass was over an hour and she just was such a good girl. I am so proud of her that we can take her places and she is well behaved. Makes me wonder about daycare and if she is happy or not. It's interesting because the lady that I sat next to at church even commented on how good of a baby she is.

February 18th- Today Addie had her 1st swim lesson! I was nervous as I was taking her to the YMCA all by myself. We arrived early and we got undressed and down to our bathing suits and waited in the pool area watching another class going on. Addie just watched and was so curious. When that class was over, the instructor came over and asked if Addie was a breastfed baby and I said yes... ( I thought she was asking because of me in my bathing suit and my "2 friends" hanging out) she said you could tell because she has that chubby face, button nose and good complexion. It was great to talk to someone who is for breast-feeding. So many people are just against it and I think for the wrong reasons... it's frustrating when you encounter that and people make you feel guilty that I am still nursing her. I tell people its recommend to 1 year of age and its the best thing for her! Addie obviously enjoys it and so do I. Oh and the instructor commented on how Addie looks like the gerber baby! We hear that all the time!!

So class was ready to begin and we get to the side of the pool and the instructor does an introduction and then we sing nursery rhymes to get the children motivated to swim. Addie was so good, she doesn't mind the bathtub so I wasn't worried that she wouldn't like the pool. She did so good. So anyway, we sing a song and get them wet. We then get in the water and sing "Wheels on the Bus, Rosy Posy, Hokie Pokie, etc. " Addie loved it. She learned to jump in off the side of the pool and how to go to the wall. I am very happy with the safety lessons they are teaching in this class. I can't wait to go back next week!

February 19th- Today Addie had a great day at daycare! there was only her and another child there today so I am thinking Addie definitely likes the one on one attention....makes sense since I am home with her all the time. We play alot. We even play "chase mommy" I will hide behind something and she thinks its fun to come find me. I then crawl to another toy/around the corner and she follows. She just cracks up. I am also working with her on her colors. She likes blue and red so far. We are working on yellow.

Addie likes to play with the doggy door. She likes to open and close it with her hand. She loves to watch the dogs go in and out and even stands on the sliding glass door to watch them play outside.

Addie enjoys opening up the kitchen cabinets while I am cooking dinner. I let her play with her fridge farm magnets and then she moves over to the cabinets. It's a fun game to open and close.

Addie also can give daddy and Grammie a high-five. She loves it. Daddy taught her this! She is just so smart!!

We think Addie is going to be a bed jumper. She will stand up and hold on to her crib and just bounce up and down. she loves it! We are in trouble!

Addie is starting to "self feed" now. She is grabbing at the spoon and will take a few spoonfuls herself. We can't give her alot of chunky foods yet as she only has 2 teeth and the doctor said to wait until she gets more so she can chew up foods better.

She knows the word "NO" as she has been hearing it alot lately. She will just turn and look..stop what she is doing because she knows that she shouldn't be and then smile at you. Sometimes she goes onto something else, sometimes she goes back to what she was doing and then gets told NO again. She is such a little stinker!

Her and Bob have become buddies when she is eating. She is sneaky and will put out her hand and let Bob lick her hand... the giveaway is that she giggles!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

8 months-

January 6th- So Addie has become an expert crawler and she loves to pull herself up on everything. It takes her about 2 seconds and she is up on the highchair, leather chair, couch, TV stand, gate in the kitchen, standing in her crib even though its on the lowest setting, and her toys.

So yesterday was my first day back in the office. I don't think I've been away from her more than 2 hours or so for the past 2.5 weeks since Jeremy was off work and we spent time together as a family. I've been trying to start the bottle, but she isn't having anything to do with that. At daycare she didn't drink anything, but as soon as we got home she was wanting mama. Jeremy and I tried over break, but all she wants to do is chew it. I think it happens to be the fact that she is finally getting her 1st tooth!!! It's amazing at how sharp that little tooth is. It is on her bottom left. I think she is going to be one of those kids that gets 1 tooth at a times ahead for Jeremy and me and some sleepless nights.

So I haven't written about her and the dogs lately so I will update now. Bob and Addie do get along, but if she is getting close to him on the couch or on the floor, he takes off. Unless I make him sit and let her touch his back. He does like it when its lunch and dinner time as he takes advantage of any left overs from her food. I have a feeling that they will be buddies before too long. I do have to say that when we get home, Bob is the first to smell and check out Addie and give her kisses.

Riley and Addie get along the best. Addie can do whatever she wants and Riley lets her do it. Addie likes to grab her face and ears and Riley just lets her do that. She is so good with Addie. She is like her second mom...very protective and always watching her. Riley doesn't stray too far away from Addie when we have visitors. Riley is also known to just lay on the couch and Addie will go up to her and expect some kisses. It is just so adorable!!!

Russeau and Addie are doing good. She likes to play with his favorite toy, his soccer ball. It's funny because Addison will see it across the room and make a b-line crawling for it. Russeau then notices this and gets it. He plays nice, but it is his toy. She does get it every now and then and transfers it from hand to hand and tries to figure out the whole ball thing. It's cute to see her mind at work and trying to figure out things.

January 9th- So today I would be leaving Addie for about 30 hours and spending the night at Lauren's house and visiting with my SMC chicks and Pam's baby shower. It was Addie and daddy time! She did pretty good for him except she had a meltdown at 4 in the morning until 7 in the morning. She did ok with a bottle since I am trying to ween her, but its been so hard when its so easy to nurse her as I am home 5 days a week. I did struggle with leaving her, but I know that its good for me and her.

January 10th & 11th- I couldn't wait to get home to my little girl. Every time I called she was just playing and having a good old time. When I walked in the door, I got the biggest smile and it just melted my heart. I couldn't stop giving her kisses and squeezing her! We did ok going to bed, but then she woke up at 11. She didn't fall back asleep until 12:45 and I let her cry it out, which was the first time for this. It broke my heart to listen to her, but I knew I had to. I was in the computer room just in case she really needed me. She would whine for a few seconds and then stop....whine then stop so it wasn't screaming or anything. When she fell asleep she was bent over...head between her knees because she feel asleep in the corner of her crib "crying". well i couldn't let her be like that, so I moved her and then she woke up. I let her put herself back to sleep and she slept right up next to the bed rails. She slept until 7 in the morning and then we did our normal routine.

January 14th- Today Grammie visited us for awhile and we enjoyed playing with her train toy. Grammie was the caboose and the sound effects. We also went and visited Dzie Dzie. Addie was the hit of the nursing home. Everyone comes over to visit us while we are there and the older ladies just love her! I took tons of pics with my Dzie Dzie's stay and Mrs. Danik who always gives Addie a angel figurine (that she wins playing bingo) Addie has quite the collection of angels in her bedroom. After the visit, we went home and when Jeremy got home from work, Addie and I were upstairs getting her ready for bed but she was playing. We have the baby gates up at the top of the stairs and she likes to pretend she is in jail and trying to get out and shaking the gate. Well Jeremy was on the steps pressing his face and lips through the gate and Addie thought it was funny. I said give daddy a kiss as Jeremy puckered up his lips and she leaned in, with open mouth and gave him a kiss. She did this several times. It was just the cutest thing ever!

January 15th- When I got home from work, my dad came over to visit and had fun playing with Addie and her toys. She was so tired though from daycare that the visit was short. She had fun while it lasted.

When I know someone is coming over to visit (well it's just been my parents the past 2 weeks) that I put Addie at the window to look out and she smiles once she sees them getting out of the car and walking up to the door. It is just so exciting to see her face light up when she sees Grammie and Gramps. She then can't wait to be picked up as soon as they get in the door!

January 16th- we went over to Jeremy's parents house for dinner today with Adam, Elizabeth and Harrison. It was a fun visit and the babies played well together! Harrison showed off his crawling skills on the stairs! He was so awesome at it too! Addie has not attempted this yet as we have them blocked off with gates. Addie took a nap on Grandma and Harrison took a nap on Grandpa. it was so cute! We haven't seen Grandpa since Grandma's birthday so it was nice for her to see him.

Addie has mastered the following:
*users her pincer grasp (she is an expert at this for awhile now)
*she pulls herself up to stand
*bangs objects together and on the table too
*says mama
* she knows how to make a room a tornado just happened with all of her toys!

We are working on:
*drinking from a sippy cup (she doesn't like anything but mama)
*playing patty cake
*Playing peek a boo
*waving goodbye