Monday, September 28, 2009

Addie 4.5-5 months

Gramps, me, Great- Grandpa Totten and Addie. 4 generations!!!

My little tax deduction shirt. I just love this on her!!!

rollin over for her turtle

rollin over to Riley
playing with her vtech ball and turtle

Aunt Beth, Aunt Pam, Addie and me. Her SMC aunts!!
That's right I am a big girl sitting up all on my own!

such a big girl!!

smiles for mommy

The shirt and the smile say it all. She is my 6:30am alarm clock!

celebrating Grammi's bday on Sept 13th at the house.

grabbin for Gramps. She just loves him so much.

smiling with Grammie.

So the past few weeks we have been watching alot of ND football. I actually went to the second ND home game and my parents watched Addie while Jeremy and I went. We left the game with 4 minutes to go as ND was up, but then Michigan State got the ball back and was close to scoring. Jeremy wasn't happy that we left, but I had to nurse if you all know what I mean!

So this past week- Thursday September 17th Addie rolled from her back to her tummy like 8 times!! I was so excited that I called Jeremy at work. I got it on video too so he could believe me and that he didn't miss it either. So on Friday Jeremy took the day off from work because there is a case of the H1N1 at her daycare and I freaked out. So she did it for Jeremy when he was home with her. I was so proud of our little girl.

So Addie is figuring out who mama is for sure. I think she is developing a habit that I have to be in the room now. I would let her play in the living room with her toys while I would fold laundry or put away the dishes and she isn't having any of that the past 2 days. I am trying to figure out if its because she is teething and just wants the comfortness of me around or is she becoming aware of her surroundings.

Addie definitely thinks the world revolves around daddy. He is for sure the "fun" parent. When he gets home from work, its all smiles for daddy. It is just so cute. She just giggles and laughs with him. he makes her laugh all the time its so adorable!

Addie got some visitors lately. For the Michigan State game, Her Aunt Pam and Aunt Beth came into town for the game and stayed with us both nights. They couldn't believe how good of a baby she was. She didn't cry at all and I said oh yeah she does... and I got out the nose aspirator and proved that she can cry.

When Addie's been at church her feeding schedule has been off since she has been sleeping longer in the morning... well 2 weeks in a row I've had to leave in the middle of church to feed her in the car. I bring her back in and then she falls asleep. This week she was talking so much during church that I had to leave with her. It was so cute though... she was joining the priest in his homily.

We went to see Grandpa Totten too over the weekend and he held her for the first time on September 26th. He doesn't like to hold babies as he is afraid he will break them, but he was fine and I actually had Jeremy capture the moment.

Addie has been doing so good with her sleeping. She sometimes still gets up in the middle of the night, but we have been moving her bedtime up so still adjusting to all of this.

So funny story with Addie. On Sunday morning getting ready for church... Jeremy was in the shower and she decided to have a little fit (because of the nose thing) and she kept doing it so I looked at her and said "NO" her first real no. Well you know what she did... she just looked at me and smiled. what could I do but kiss her and smile right back at her. She was a little stinker for that one!

Addie is a pro at sitting up now!!!She just loves to play with her rainbow rings. She knows how to get them off and then she sucks on the yellow stem thing. She also likes her turtle toy. She enjoys the telephone and the keyboard.... I'm thinking she sees us to much on these!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Addie- 4 months to 4.5 months

Well alot has happened in the past few weeks..

Addie is feeling tons better.. thank goodness it was just a virus and just lasted a few days. It was going around though because a few of my friends kids had it and good to know that everyone is ok now!

Addie went for her 4 month shots and weighed in at 15 pounds 8 ounces and was 24 inches long. she is in the 90th percentile for weight and head circumference and 50th for height. no solid foods yet for Addie. Our doctor says that she is healthy and doesn't need them yet. There isn't a rush and we aren't in any rush to give her any.

She has graduated into stage 2-3 diapers now.
She loves to blow raspberries with her tongue.
She loves to put everything in her mouth.
She knows mama.... and when she wants her mama she lets it be known!
She grabs for toys... or mama's glasses.
she gives you open mouth kisses.
She does a pirate look now where she moves the right side of her face and scrunches her nose. (both of my parents said that this comes from my Grandma Totten as she would smile like this) so I wonder if this is something she inherited.
She loves it when daddy gives her kisses on the belly. he makes her laugh. It's the cutest thing ever!
Addie loves to grab at Riley and Russeau. Bob doesn't get close enough, but she follows his tail.

She can sit up now. I tested it out this week (September 4th) while putting away her clothes in her room and just let her sit in her crib playing with her Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal and she did so good. She would look at me and just smile like "mom... I'm a big girl now" and then she would play with Winnie and want to eat Winnie. She did fall a few times backwards, but it was after a good few minutes on her own. She is building that strength up. By the end of the week she was a pro at sitting up!

Addie still hasn't rolled over yet but she is getting close. She gets to her side and almost all the way over and then flips back. I bet in the next few weeks we are gonna have a mover on our hands.

So I have to back up a few weeks where I celebrated Andrea's birthday with her on August 28th.. Jeremy was in charge of Addie. He took the day off. (we have been very lucky with our work schedules that Addie has only been to daycare 6 times so far through September 12th)) well Jeremy was home all day while I worked and then I came home for 2 hours and then went out to dinner with Andrea and her family. This was my first real night away from her by myself. I called and checked in.... I just had too. Well when I called at 9:30 (which is past her bedtime) she was fussing for Jeremy so I decided to leave the party and get home to my little one. I don't know who was missing who more me or her. Well I called Jeremy on my way home and he got her to sleep, but I just missed the fact that I wasn't able to put my little one to bed. When I got home I have to admit that I got a little teary eyed because I really missed kissing her good night and going through our routine together. She must have too because she woke up 30 minutes after I was home so I was able to put her to sleep.

So I am starting to make our daytime have a routine now. She is eating less frequent now but still doing her cat naps. I am really trying to work on a set naptime schedule with her, but it doesn't always work out. I find it that if she takes good naps then she sleeps really good for me at night, but if she doesn't then she might get up at 3-4 am and then up at 6ish. so I am trying to stop that 3-4 am feed. If I feel she needs it then I will nurse, but I just think she has to figure out the self soothe now. We are working on it though.... its a change for me too.

September 12th- we celebrated Grammie's bday today. Addie was so good. We started off my going to church to celebrate Grandma Swartz's mass and then we went home and got dinner ready to celebrate. We also played some Euchre. It;s funny because at mass, Addison was all about the prayer book and then at home she loved the cards and she likes to touch them and figure it out what we are doing too.

We have been moving Addie's bedtime up to about 8:15-8:30 now as she is sleeping longer in between feedings. It's funny because on the days I have to work is the days that we have to wake her up. It's like she knows that she is suppose ot get up and she doesn't. Little stinker!

So I guess we are a little different from others that have kids, but I am sure that this will change once she starts eating foods is that we take our baths in the morning. I figured when we go to solid foods is when we will probably do the bath time at night.

Oh speaking of bath time... this past week when I was taking my bath I put Addie on the floor and just let her play.. its her naked time. Well this week she moved a good 18 inches backwards. It took about 10 minutes for her to do it, but she did it all on her own. I was so impressed. She was laying on her back and scooting backwards!!!

Addie watched her first ND game... well she slept at kickoff when we played Nevada as daddy and Uncle Adam went to the game. The Irish won so it was a good day in our house!