Sunday, August 7, 2011

Potty Training update

So Addie has been going on the potty chair at 12 months... she had her first poop in the potty chair at 13 months (yep, I took a picture of this to document since I was a proud mommy, but will not post to save all).

So at her school, we couldn't push the potty training until she was moved up to the 2 year old because they didn't have a bathroom in her room. So after Christmas break, she was moved up to the 2 year old room. She was 20 months old!! This move took place January 2011. So there was some teacher changes and in February we started sending in her underwear to school. talk about having nerves. There were a few times were she did have an accident in the car, but she did really good. So now the routine, July 2011 is that she is potty trained! When we make trips out to the grocery store, visit daddy at work, go to the grandparents houses, she is in her underwear! She is very good and I would say her number of accidents are maybe 1 a week if that, which I think is fantastic. At school though, at nap time, she is in a diaper. At home during nap time she isn't. The only diaper that we put on her is at night time, which 5 out 7 mornings she is dry in the morning so I think we are going to start on that one now!

So proud of my little girl!!!

I do attribute this to a few things though....

1. introducing it early, but not forcing it.

2. letting her watch me (mommy) and not have it be this awful, embarrassing thing.

3. When accidents do happen to be patient and not scold.

4. We never did rewards with Addie, as in M&M's or anything. We just did positive re enforcement. Lots of clapping and saying Good Job!

5. Letting her be naked at home so it was easier for to go to the bathroom and not have to struggle to take down her pants and have an accident.

6. going often to where she got the hang of "holding it"

I do have to share a story that happened in July 2011.

When Addie left the bathroom on July 16th, she announced to daddy (so excited too) "daddy, I rocked a deuce". Looks like daddy needs to watch what he says since little Miss Addison is repeating everything now! Before it was us waving bye-bye to the poop poo when she flushed.

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