Sunday, June 12, 2011

2 year update

So update on Addie at school. She has been doing very well with potty training. The only time she is in a diaper is at nap time. For the most part, she doesn't have too many accidents and I pick her up in the same clothes she gets dropped off in! My little girl is doing great. She just needs to be more vocal about it... instead of just pulling at her pants now and starting to strip down!

Addie is in a big girl bed. Jeremy and I converted it from her crib to her toddler bed (December 27, 2010) to now a full size (June 1, 2011). We figured she was ready for the big girl bed because she moves all over the place in the middle of the night. Now she has tons of room and can do whatever she wants. the first night she got up at 2:15... then went back to sleep, 2nd night she got up at 3:00 and 3rd night she got up at 4:00 in the morning. She's been getting up once in the middle of the night asking for me so I just go in there and get her back to sleep. I just want to make sure she is ok since it is higher off the ground. We have pillows on the floor and on the side to prevent her from rolling off. So far it's only happened once and Jeremy is convinced she was trying to get down off the bed and with it being pitch black, she lost her footing.

Addie does really good with please and thank you... sometimes you even get a welcome. She says excuse you when she needs to get by. She even tells the dogs "excuse you Riley" when she needs a toy and has to go by them. it's hilarious.

Addie knows her left and right for awhile now. We practice this mostly in the bathtub. I am like give me your left foot.... right foot,...left hand.... right hand.

We are still working on our colors though... she wants to call everything red. No matter what the color is... apparently she likes Red for some reason.

Her counting is pretty good I think for just turning two years old. She counts 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12 13, 15... so she skips 4, 5, and 14. so she has 2/3's of the numbers down. Still working though. We count when we go up and down the stairs in our house.

So her favorite movies are Monster's Inc and Finding Nemo. It's nice that she is entertained by them at her age. we've tried Lion King and Dumbo. She didn't have much interest at all in Lion King. She was fine with Dumbo up until they get the mama elephant. I don't think she liked that part at all.

She loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She says hi to all the characters in the beginning every time it is on. It's the cutest thing ever. I need to get it videotaped because it is just priceless.

She is doing good with recognizing alphabet letters. She doesn't know lowercase, but uppercase right now. We are trying to work that one in.

She loves to jump, dance and run! She even does summer salts.

June 4th- we went with my dad to Valpo today to a family outing. they had rescue animals so Addie got to see pugs, greyhounds, kangaroos, camel, bat, lizard, turtle, mini horse, and monkeys. She loved it. She also got to go in an obstacle bounce house and she did great! She kept saying "again". looks like I know what her next party is going to be!

July 7th- today I picked Addie up for school and they just got done with swimming (which she loves). so we get home, I have to get lunch made and she wants her swimsuit on. I tell her I have to get lunch ready but you can put it on. She strips out of her clothes and puts her swimsuit on. Apparently it was "swimsuit" day. She loves wearing them and constantly asks to wear her swimsuits. My little girl is a fishy in the water. SHe loves to go under and swim!!!

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