Friday, February 6, 2009

Week 29- Girl's week

me with Andrea at Carrabba's

me with Meg and Andrea!

We had an eventful week this week.

We started the week off by going to the eye doctor for the yearly check-up. I have been going to my doctor since I was a little kid so I am sure that our little one will be going to my doctor (at least until he retires). We started off doing the usual tests and I did great. Then it was time to see the doctor and we chatted about the baby and he said that he does not dilate the eyes during pregnancy as this hasn't been tested on the effects it would have on the baby since the dilation does go into your body. So we played it safe and no dilation this time of the eyes. All in all no change in my eye vision.. no headaches so nothing to worry about during the pregnancy right now. So I asked him if I could get new glasses as I have had mine for about 3-4 years now and it was about time for a new look. I am gonna be a mom so I figured now is the time to start for a new mommy look! I went to Kathie who always helps me and she is just so sweet. She has been there forever and she is my doctors assistant. She is honest with me and tells me what looks good and what doesn't! Don't we all need friends like this! So anyway I settled on a red pair of Coach glasses. Then I asked if I could get my sunglass lenses changed to be prescription sunglasses.... my doctor at this point came out to see how we are doing... I love receiving the special attention!! I showed him my sunglasses and he wasn't sure because of the curve on them and said we will send them to the lab to see if they can do the lenses. Sure enough I got a call from Kathie later in the week and they could do it! So mama is getting 2 new sets of eye wear!!

On Wednesday, February 4th, we went to have a girls dinner with Andrea and Meg. I love spending time with these girls because we just chat and chat and chat and we laugh, laugh, laugh. It is a good time. Andrea was able to feel the little one move as she has been so excited to feel the baby. I was happy the little one was moving! The little one is known to be stubborn at times... gotta love that Polish heritage! So we had dinner at Carrabba's and about 2.5 hours later we decided it was time to head home to the hubbies.

On Thursday February 5th I had another girls dinner with 2 of the aunts from Jeremy's side of the family. Aunt Kellie and Aunt Jill. We always have a ton of fun when we are together. I hang out with them alot during volleyball during the summer and we are getting closer and closer and just love it. We went to Friday's and had a long fun dinner of talking, laughing and just telling stories. I love the fact that the little one and me are receiving alot of love and this means so much. I know once the baby arrives things will change and I won't have alot of time to hang out like I do now, but hopefully their will be alone time for daddy and then mama can still have some time with her friends when the little one is old enough and when I can leave my baby. I have a feeling this will be along time as it took me awhile to leave the dogs.... I can't imagine leaving my little one. Anyway, while we were at Friday's, I had this slushie Strawberry Lemonade drink and it was so yummy. I came home and told Jeremy about it.... I was like we have to figure out how to make this. (I will continue the story later on in the blog)

So Friday- Jeremy played basketball with some friends and I ran over to my Uncle's house to pick up his taxes and Lorissa felt the belly, which everyone knows that I love this! I came home and did their taxes and then just chilled out at home. I relaxed... did the dishes and just watched TV.

Saturday- we have been going to Saturday mass and the little one really likes church music. I felt two big movements on my top right side that were letting me know the little one was awake.

After church we went out to dinner with my parents. We got to hear their story and how they won the public hearing.. I am not going to write about it in the blog as it is my parents story to tell their grand-child one day, but they were victorious with all the research and communication that they had to do in order to be successful at the hearing!

Sunday- we went over to Jeremy's parents house and visited but I also used Pam's computer to copy photos of old pictures of my Busia and Dzie Dzie. My mom is in the process of cleaning out my Dzie Dzie's condo and came across these photos and she wants me and my Uncle Mitch to have copies of them. She knows that it is important to carry on this tradition for our little one and to know his/her great-grandparents. We had pizza with Jeremy's parents and talked about the baby which was very nice. Pam also gave me a pair of very comfy slippers which I know will come in handy!

So we came home and I was still craving that drink from Friday's. Jeremy did some research online and found a recipe. It was about 7:30 at night and I said can we go to Martin's to get the ingredients. Any other time he would have said no, but since this was something healthy and that he knew I was craving, we made the trip to the supermarket. We got home and I made it, but it wasn't as good as at Friday's, but it helped me with my craving!

so the dogs have been really following me around the house lately. As I sit here typing, the dogs are all in the office with me and just laying down. Bob I think is becoming more and more aware of the baby. I try to tell them that mama is gonna have a baby and if they are laying on my stomach and the baby moves I tell them that was the baby. So hopefully they are getting used to the name "baby" so when we do actually bring the baby home they will at least be familiar with the tone in my voice when I say baby.

Monday at work I had a meeting and one of the ladies is always asking to feel the baby move. Well we were in the meeting together and the little one moved so I told Cindy to feel the belly and sure enough the little one moved and it was a big movement at the top of my stomach. She was so happy and so was I. Cindy is expecting twin grand-daughters a few weeks before me so she is just so excited.

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