Friday, April 23, 2010

1 year!

April 19th- Daddy put in her big girl car seat in my car and his car tonight!!! Addie is officially a big girl now and can ride forward facing now. Daddy did everything by the book on this one and wasn't taking any chances at all. He said there is a reason why they have guidelines and we are sticking to them! I wasn't challenging him and totally agreed. Safety first for our little one!
April 22nd- Since a lot of the family members were sick, we had postponed her party with the immediate family until tonight. On the menu was chicken noodle soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, fruit, and salad... oh yeah and cake. Addie's cake came from my old volleyball Coach Jen. It turned out awesome and tasted wonderful!!

So as people arrived, I was making the grilled cheese to order and then after everyone ate, we sat Addie down in her high chair and did Jeremy's family tradition of her picking between the shot glass, rosary and silver dollar. She took her time and touched all of them before deciding for a good minute which one she wanted to pick up. She is just like her daddy in this manner... analyzing everything! She finally picked up the shot glass and proudly smiled and waved it around. I hope to think that this will mean she will be a little social butterfly and not a drinker!
So after we did that, we sang to her and then put her cake in front of her. I thought she would dive into the cake, but nope... she just took her pointer finger and picked at it. She really didn't get messy at all. I decided to cut out a piece of cake for her and let her pick at that, but she really didn't want anything to do with the cake.

After cake, we did presents and she was more interested in showing off her walking skills then presents. She did love her build a bear dog that she got from her cousin Lisa, Paul, Paulie and Lauren. She got lots of clothes, toys, investment in her college education and she got her first car from Grandma and Grandpa. I joke with Grandpa and said you know what this means... you started a tradition.... when she turns 16 does she get a car then too?!!!
April 24th- Today we went to the ND Blue and Gold game and Addie was inside the stadium for the second time now! I can't wait to take her to a game, but I know that will be a few years down the road. After the blue and gold game, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house and visited with them and had hamburgers with Adam, Elizabeth and Harrison. It was good to visit with them and have a family day.

April 25th- Today was Addie's big party with the family and we went to Bruno's pizza. I rented out the facility and it was alot easier to entertain 80 people there than it was at our house. Good thing to because it rained! So her party worked out great. Tons of family members were there. Addie is very lucky to have all the love from the family! She is one lucky girl!

So after everyone ate, we did the tradition thing again and this time Addison picked the rosary, after she debated for a few! Finally it was time for her second cake, again she didn't dive into it at all. She really didn't want anything to do with it, which was fine. It was her day!
April 26th- Today Addie had her 1 year check-up. She weighed 21 pounds 4 ounces. I was surprised by this as I thought she was 23 pounds. She weighs less now than she did at 9 months. Yikes! So far Addie is 1 oz away from gaining 15 pounds since she was born! The doctor wasn't too worried as he said nursing babies tend to lose the weight between 9-12 months, she is walking and active now, and we had just gotten over a sickness. So with the combination of those items, he was ok with her weight. Next was her height. She was 29 inches. So she has grown 9 inches in 12 months.

Addie is right on track where she needs to be. She is walking, talking...well babbling, a good eater...etc. So after our check-up our doctor order lab tests to be done. The test would be for lead and just normal blood work. He wanted us to go to a lab where they were used to seeing smaller children and had tiny needles. We had to go to the place right by the hospital. I called Jeremy on our way as I wasn't very happy about this as Jeremy wasn't able to go to this doctors appointment. I was mad and let him know that he was a bad daddy as his daughter was getting shots and now had to get blood work. I had to give him the guilt trip that his baby girl wasn't going to be happy! So I get the place and it was like "take a number" I wasn't very comfortable at all. I texted Jeremy and said get down here now. Well in the process of me filling out paper work, one of Jeremy's uncles was there getting blood work done, so then I was at ease. So I called Jeremy and said no worries as he was walking to his car. I am one who is not comfortable with new places, especially with my baby! They did good with Addie on her blood being drawn. It took 2 nurses and me to hold her. She sat on my lap. One nurse held her arm out straight and the other did the rubber band thing on the arm and then looked for the vein. After about 30 seconds to find the vein, they got it. I was worried that they wouldn't be able to find it, but they did. We were out in about 20 minutes. I was happy to get it over with and the results were normal too!

April 29th- Today Grandma came over to watch Addie after work because daddy and mommy had a political fundraiser dinner to attend. We got to meet Governor Mitch Daniels, Jackie Wolarski, Dan Coats, Dick Pfiel... among many other Republicans. It was an awesome experience and we can't wait to get Addie involved with benefits like this. Grandma said she did good and ate really good!!!

May 1st- Today Jeremy and I celebrated 6 years and we celebrated by taking Addison to the zoo for the 1st time! She loved it! Jeremy took about 580 pictures! After the zoo, it was time for Jeremy and I to celebrate and decide what we were going to do. My mom offered to watch Addison for us to have a date night and we took her up on it. We really appreciated it. So we basically had a game time decision and we went to Four Winds and gambled. I won!!! So now Addie will have her own CD player for her room so she can listen to music now. While we were away, my mom said Addie did great.
May 2nd- Today we celebrated Uncle Joe's 85th birthday!! We went up to the lake and Addie got to see her "big" swimming pool. She enjoyed visiting with Aunt Joan and Uncle Joe. she got tons of kisses from Kojak. She also showed off her walking moves and was all over the place.

May 9th- Mother's Day. Today I celebrated being a mom for the second time and its the best gift in the world!!! We had everyone over to our house to celebrate.
May 15th- Today we visited Grandpa Totten with Gramps. Addie showed off how she likes to investiage and she got into Great Grandpa Totten's desk drawer and tv buttons. She also found the remote when it was on the shelf! She knows what she wants and when she wants it.
During the day, Jeremy decided to share his sandwich with Addie since she was curious of what he was eating and she tried a pickle and she liked it. Jeremy was very happy about this.
Later that day we met up with teh Bechinski's and both sets of grandparents and Adam, Elizabeth and Harrison at Redamak's. Addie did really good in the high chair and when I was done with my dinner so was she and she wanted out so she bacame the social butterfly and was passed all around the table.
May 16th- We went to church today and Miss Addison wasn't having anything to do with it. I had to take her out of the church... all she wants to do is walk around since she knows how to walk now. My little girl wasn't very good today in church. We need to keep working with her and let her have a fit, but not during church. It will have to be after church that we work on this.
So after church, Jeremy wanted McDonald's .... so Daddy dediced to give her some of his McDonald's breakfast. (I wasn't so thrilled about this, but I knew this day was coming) She had a sauage& egg burrito and liked it.
After lunch, we went to the zoo with my mom. This was the first time to the zoo in forever for my mom and she had a great time with Addie. When we got there, we ran into Elizabeth, Adam, Harrison and Grandma as they were on there way out. Our schedules didn't meet up for us to go together today, but there will be many more opportunities this summer to get together and go to the zoo. I am sure Harrison loved it just like Addison did her first time at the zoo.
Addie at 1 year:

*She is a walker. She can get up all by herself and take off. She has done this since she started walking!!!

*She has been going to bed later... (because of the time change) It was 9:00-9:30, which I wasn't very happy about, but now it is 8:00. She usually gets up anywhere between 6:00-7:00 in the morning.

*I haven't gotten the courage to give her a blanket at night. I am scared about this one for some reason, even though our doctor said its fine....just as long as its not a big comforter.

*Addie is starting to eat table foods now.
*She is starting to use her fork and spoon. She is better with the fork because if she flips it over, the food doesn't fall off like it does the spoon. We are working on it. It is very messy at times, but worth it!

*She loves to climb the stairs. I finally taught her to go down. It's been hard to do this because we have the gates closed to the stairs immediately so for her to go down, I just carried her... now I let her go down and she giggles... she loves it!

*She has found her private parts.

*She loves to dance now! She bounces to the music. It is so cute!

*She loves her doggies. They are so funny to her. She will go to them when they are on the couch and she smacks them, but then we say PET and she does. So she is learning, but we still need to watch her. Riley is the best with her. She let's Addison do whatever she wants to her.

*She loves her bath time. We are still in swimming lessons and she loves the water.

*She loves car rides.

*She loves going around the bottom circle in our house and likes to chase the dogs, me or daddy. She is getting her surroundings.
*She has 4.5 teeth right now.

*Her smile lights up the room and its the best smile in the world.

*She babbles alot... we have no clue what she is saying, but it sounds like "Apple, Boo-ga-dee, O'Boy, O'Boy, O'Boy"

*She loves it when people sneeze...she cracks up

*shows off her 2 bottom teeth when she walks....especially when she gets excited.
* She loves peas, watermelon, fruit cups, cerel bars at the moment!
*She loves to ride in her car and she even goes to it and sits in it and waits for us to come get her to give her a ride.

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