Monday, July 11, 2011


So I was looking through Addie's older post that I have done and came across her routine at 8 months...

6:30 wake up time nurse and then back to sleep till 7:45 ish
8:15 time for cereal
9:45/10:00- 30 minute nap
11:00- lunch time
12:00- 30-45 minute nap
2:30/3:00- snack and then a nap
5:00- dinner time
6:00/6:30 bed time

So her routine at 2 years old is
7:15-7:30- wake up time- take a bath and then have breakfast
on a school day, she is out the door at 8:00

12:00- lunch time then nap

2:00- up from nap and usually will have a snack or something

5:30-6:30 somewhere in there is dinner

8:30 -9:00 is bedtime. She never changed her clock from when time change happened so we are stuck at this one.

it's interesting out things change when they get older. From 3 naps down to 1. sometimes I feel that she is getting to the point of not napping because sometimes she won't nap until 2:00 in the afternoon.

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