Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week 16- The nursery complete!!!

So this week started the feeling of the baby's movement. At least that is what I am believing it to be. It is almost in the morning after I finish eating that I can feel the baby move. I've been drinking OJ so I heard that the sugars will make the baby move. It's very faint and not every morning... just if my legs are up closer to the belly.

This week we have talked to Aunt Joan on our usual basis. She always checks in to see how her "little mama and baby" are doing. She is so sweet and cares so much about us. I just love her so much!!! If we have a girl, she will be learning all of Aunt Joan's baking secrets!

So on Thursday this week, Lisa and I went to the Taste of Poland at her church in Michigan City. It was good for the two of us to hang out like the good old days. I know those days are gonna be limited in the future. We saw her family there and her grandma has been praying for us. I almost cried when she told me because how wonderful and thoughtful of her to be praying for our family.

On Friday, I talked with my mom (Grammie)... actually I should say that my mom and I email everyday... she checks in with me and her grandbaby to see how we are doing. She cares so much and doesn't want to miss anything. So we talked Friday night and my mom received Teacher of the Year for Riley High School. She will be up for Corporation teacher of the year in the spring. This is her fourth nomination since she has been teaching!!! GO MOM and GRAMMIE!!! She is setting not only a wonderful example for me, but for her grandbaby. She is so successful and her work ethic is so strong... She is being rewarded for something that she loves to do! Good Luck!!!

On Saturday morning I had breakfast with my grandpa and dad at my grandpa's house. He touched my belly and was very happy about the next great-grandchild. He will be getting 2 great grandchildren next year that we know about right now. My cousin Pauline and me!

After breakfast, my parents came over and we went to pick out the nursery furniture at Lanser's. My dad hadn't seen the furniture so I made sure to take him so he could look things over and test out the crib to make sure that it met his safety standards. We purchased the crib, dresser, hutch, and a changing table to go on top of the hutch. We are still in the process of doing the research on the mattress we should get for the little one. So that will be the next purchase that we make to finalize the nursery on top of picking out a rocker so mama can breast feed. The furniture will be in about 6-8 weeks!!! We can't wait!! Once the furniture is in we will have to let it "breathe" for about 6-8 weeks before we do anything to do because of any chemicals that are used.

This week my upper back has been hurting a little bit and I am trying to determine if its the way I am sleeping. I am trying to sleep on my left side as much as possible right now so it will prepare me for later in pregnancy.

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