Thursday, November 8, 2012

1st time to the Dentist

Not sure if I am a horrible parent on this one or not, but it actually worked out in our favor.  Thank goodness.  When we went through insurance plans last year, I thought I added Addison to my dental plan, but that wasn't the case.  She was added to Jeremy's.  Jeremy's dental plan isn't accepted at my doctor and I've had the same doctor since I was probably old enough to go to the dentist.  When Addie was 2, she went to my teeth cleaning and sat in the chair and watched me get my teeth done and they just briefly looked in her mouth and said looks ok just let's do a formal cleaning when she is three years old.  Well she is 3 and a half and finally I scheduled the appointment... only to realize that we are going through in and out of insurance plans for work and needed to decide if we are doing a family dental plan this year.  If we do, then it would require me to drop my doctor that I've had as a kid or Jeremy drop his doctor.  Well the decision was made for us because my doctor is retiring. 

I scheduled an appointment for Addison for October 29th and it happened to be on a day that Jeremy was off from work and he was able to go with.  usually it's just me and Addie on these types of things.  It's great when daddy tags along!  I actually wanted him to go because I've never been there and wanted to see if I would like this new dentist or not. 

So as we arrived, Addie was called back to the hygienist little spot.  She did great at explaining the instruments to Addie and she giggled every time something new happened.   Addison even got comfortable in the chair and took off her shoes!  that's my kid.  So the scraper thing was called the tooth counter.  The suction thing was called Mr. Thirsty!  The fluoride that they need to paint on is called "the painting brush for teeth".   I was so impressed with how Addison did with the hygienist and the doctor.  She listened well and was very good! 

We received some pointers from the hygienist on some spots that we miss when brushing.  It's all on the bottom on the inside of her teeth... basically where the tongue doesn't want you go!  Her teeth looked great and she had a total of 20!  We received a good report as parents, thank goodness!

Now onto the warning.... she is gonna take after me with needing braces.  They've already pre-warned us that odds are she will need braces.  I had braces 3 times (1st grade, 5th grade and 8th grade).  I can't imagine all the money my parents dished out for my teeth to be straight, but I appreciate it now! 

Oh- the doctor and hygienist were tickled because Addie has what I call an extra tooth growing on an existing tooth... come to find out it's just a cusp (spelling). 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome that she did so well....Owen could use pointers from her! She won't be the only one with braces and just think of the technology that may come about in the next 5-10 years. Good job, Miss Addie (and Mom and Dad!)!