Saturday, March 14, 2009

Week 34- Baby Shower #3

Rose, Kathy and me at the March 15th shower!
Gina and me.

All the tax girls!
Maddie, Kelli, Gina, Jenny, Lisa, Rose, Kathy, Becky, me, Sarah, Isabella, Tammy, Allison, Danielle, Sharon and Jocelyn.

Yummy Chocolate cake! mama was happy!!

Group gift - our bedding!!! I was so excited!!!

Mobile for the crib that matches our bedding set from Lisa

Lisa made these...they were so cute and yummy! Favors for everyone!!!

Well this week started out rough as I came down with a cold. I haven't been sick at all during the pregnancy and then I took 2 days off of work this week. I used Wednesday to rest, but Tuesday was miserable. I went through 2 boxes of Kleenex. Thank goodness that it didn't last that long as I know sickness during pregnancy can take forever to get over.

On Wednesday I watched Tommy and William, our neighbors kids for about 30 minutes and helped Tommy with homework and watched William play. Margie is making sure I am getting some practice in! While I was there though Tommy was able to feel the baby move and he kept on asking when the baby would move again because he enjoyed feeling a baby in the belly. His guess was a boy and I think that makes about 12 guesses for a boy right now.

On Friday, I had a dentist appointment for a teeth cleaning. There was a temp there as my girl had a baby in January. My doc is amazing. I talked to him about the baby and he gave me his guess on a boy or a girl and he said girl. So he is concurring with everyone else that the little one will be a girl. I did talk to him about Fluoride and when we start for the baby and if I should have been on anything during my pregnancy. I didn't think about it until I was asking about the baby since we have well water. He is going to get back to me because it is a good question. I did find out that when I have my dental cleanings that I am to take the little one with me so he/she can get used to what they do and eventually get comfortable with being in a chair and having their mouth looked at. I have gone to my doctor ever since I was little so I have to keep this up for my little one! I think my doc will be around for the next 5 years or so. He is close to retirement and don't want him to retire.

Saturday- March 14th- we went to the barber shop today and saw Roger and Jerry. Then Jeremy and I did some shopping of our own. We are trying to stock up on diapers so we went to babies r us to make a purchase. After shopping we went to see my Grandpa Totten who turned 90 this week. It also was the 2 year anniversary of my grandma passing away. We visited with my grandpa and he touched the belly and watched the little one move in there. He also thinks we are having a boy. He is our 13th guess for a boy. We shall see in the next few weeks.

Sunday- March 15th- I had my 3rd baby shower with my Crowe girls. Lisa and Sharon threw the shower for us and it was just so wonderful. We had one of my favorites, Italian beef and Lisa's homemade pasta salad!!! yummy! Along with chocolate cake!! At the shower, Lisa, Tammy, Isabella felt the little one move. Sarah tried to feel the little one move, but I was standing and usually the little one doesn't move as much when I am up walking around, well I am sure he/she is, but it is harder for me to feel! We received our bedding at the shower and I can't wait to post pictures once I wash and put it on the crib! I just can't wait.

So at the shower, we played a game and I had to choose which characteristics that I would like our little one to either get from me or Jeremy. When I got home I also gave the quiz to Jeremy and we pretty much agreed.

Here is the breakdown;

Eyes- Jeremy (it's what attracted me to Jeremy) however, we both agree that we both like each others' eyes.

Nose- Daddy

Smile- Mama

Hair- Mama (daddy is going grey early)

Legs- Daddy

Humor- Daddy

Intelligence- Daddy (since he pretty much get a 4.0 in undergrad and then I got the blame for his first B+ in grad school since we were dating at the time... I am hoping the little one gets daddy's gene)

Attitude- mama.. however Jeremy disagrees with me on this one. I hope our little one will be opinionated and not afraid to share his/her feelings in a "positive" way.

Height- we are hoping for daddy's height. However if the little one is a girl then either one, but a boy, we are hoping for daddy's height!

Athleticism- We both have game (JK) we both were very active in high school and college in sports so we hope our little one gets a mixture of our genes on this one.

Passion- Mama. I am very passionate about my family, friends, my interest. When I like something everyone will know about it and hear about it.

Feet- well this is a toss up... but we are hoping for daddy. I do have smelly feet and have to wear inserts, so we are hoping for daddy's gene on this.

Hands- we are hoping for mama's. Jeremy has small hands so we are hoping my side of the family carries over on this. My Grandma has huge hands and if we have a boy then palming the basketball might be helpful!

Belly Button- mama, but not in the current condition since its an outtie at the moment.

Driving Skills- ok Daddy is clearly the slower driver... however, he has more speeding tickets than me.. go figure. However I have been pulled over alot more than what he has. So we pick Daddy.

Sarcasm- no question- daddy.

Cooking Skills- mama!

Patience- Daddy... I have none so we are hoping that the little one really gets this from daddy.

Financial Management- no brainer on this one... daddy. If we have a girl, Jeremy is prepared to hand over the credit card.... not a good sign.. he knows it will be a losing battle.

Temper- daddy. Since I get passionate about things, my emotion comes through alot during discussions. So we are hoping for the level head of daddy to carry over.

Dancing-- oh lordly.. if you have ever seen any of us dance we are in trouble.. sad to say we are hoping me on this one, which is very sad.

Fashion- toss up. Jeremy does a great job with fashion.

Singing- definitely daddy. mama has zero skills in this department.

Punctuality- we are hoping mama on this one. Mama likes to drive daddy crazy by always arriving early to appointments!

Monday- March 16th- we had our breast-feeding class with Adam and Elizabeth too. Elizabeth and I were both studious and asked questions and even stayed after the class was over to talk to the instructor. I felt that we learned in this class and probably the most beneficial of all the classes that we have taken so far.

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