Friday, October 19, 2012

Notre Dame Vs Stanford

Addie and I headed up to my parents house to watch the game since we are both sill fending off our coughs and didn't want to get worse by going to the game.  We arrived at my parents at 1:00 and just in time for Addie to curl up in Gramp's lap to watch a movie.  He of course hooked her up with a movie on demand, per her request!  after watching for a little, it was time to build with her marbles and blocks.  This is her new thing that we have to do every night.  it's a 100 piece set that she got for her 2nd birthday and she just really is now getting into it and loves it. 

So as the game is going on, she decided that she was going to take a nap in Grammie's bed and Grammie is "sleeping" in bed with her.  Currently the game is in OT... dad and I are watching downstairs as mom and Addie are camped out upstairs. 

The coin toss just happened.... oh lordy biting my nails!

Whoo-hoo Irish win!!!

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